I mean Suga Free started all that s*** if we wanna go there. Its him and Quik
I’m not the biggest west coast head so I’m sure Dom has his influences but unlike the convo we having wit Larry and Dom idk if you can straight up say there was a predecessor to Dom that made that same exact type of music/aesthetic
post ur best example and i’ll post a counter
im tellin u the difference in quality between them is marginal lol
she didn’t wanna roll wit me until she seen her friend comin
kids see my car and think it’s 50 cent coming
lol listening to this I actually could hear June say some of these lines but f*** y’all Dom did the s*** first man. 😂 for bruh to come Thru and adjust the template
Probably his best all time song tho
He not just saying s*** lol he thinking of each line
she didn’t wanna roll wit me until she seen her friend comin
kids see my car and think it’s 50 cent coming
lol listening to this I actually could hear June say some of these lines but f*** y’all Dom did the s*** first man. 😂 for bruh to come Thru and adjust the template
!https://youtu.be/5lJdrQ2DdTEProbably his best all time song tho
!https://youtu.be/53QuWlOdX5kHe not just saying s*** lol he thinking of each line
Thats what Im sayin lol Im not sayin Dom aint do it first but its more like a Coke/Pepsi ting not a Coke/Kroger soda ting
Larry bring the similar vibes for but its different enough and good for me not to say “this just Dom K lite”
like this s*** just smooth af dawg I cant see how niggas can hate lol
its like lebron and lamar odom
same skillset/style, different levels
i enjoy larry june but his peaks arent anywhere near his predecessor. and the comparison is uncanny its the same vibe
both great sun out smoking with the windows down music tho
i genuinely think nobody who really hates their life listens to him if im having a bad day im NOT listening to larry june
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy1D7FhoJes&list=RDWy1D7FhoJes&start_radio=1&ab_channel=LarryJune!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvtQH3DCXa4&list=RDWy1D7FhoJes&index=3&ab_channel=LarryJune!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNNpZ1-4YW0&list=RDWy1D7FhoJes&index=3&ab_channel=LarryJuneMane thank you for the put on, needed something uplifting rn. Appreciate you.
Gotta luv this vintage vibes he tryin to bring back but his flow is monotonous skippable got no replay value. Elevator music
Its like larry brings nothin to the table. Dom was much more entertaining and more saucy
Gotta luv this vintage vibes he tryin to bring back but his flow is monotonous skippable got no replay value. Elevator music
Its like larry brings nothin to the table. Dom was much more entertaining and more saucy
Larry's voice suits this style way better
and his singing
One of Larry's saddest song (Organic Tears) could be easily bumped while driving with the top off on a hot summer afternoon like it was meant to be appreciated that way. Ofc this man has the happiest fanbase
Larry June raps like he doesn’t knows he’s suppose to say something cool and creative
Dom and Larry both great, why does it gotta be a choice.
There can only be one
larry is true anti toxicity anti bullshit energy
gotta love it
on God, leave that yellin on the mic about drills and hustlin for the gym. no gimmicks, keep it a 100, and stayin true are the best ways to describe Larry’s music fasho.
she didn’t wanna roll wit me until she seen her friend comin
kids see my car and think it’s 50 cent coming
lol listening to this I actually could hear June say some of these lines but f*** y’all Dom did the s*** first man. 😂 for bruh to come Thru and adjust the template
!https://youtu.be/5lJdrQ2DdTEProbably his best all time song tho
!https://youtu.be/53QuWlOdX5kHe not just saying s*** lol he thinking of each line
Yellow Album is a classic