Every time I hear the song
When he finally says
"Hey, you think we can still get that deal with Rocafella?"
And then the echo on "Rocafella" comes in
You not a fan if you don’t listen all the way through
it's like the credits of a movie, but it gives us an insight into ye's journeys
college dropout formed the man i am today it's so legendary
Every time
I’ll never forget when I first heard it
My parents used to bump Dropout in the whip. At first I thought Family Business was the outro and after hearing that song I was already convinced this nigga was the coldest
But one day my pops let Last Call run and I was mindblown. Prior to that I never felt that attached to a song no matter what genre. I was young asl but I swear this nigga was talking to me lol
When I heard the ending with the story I was like “Yea this my favorite rapper now” lmao
yes it does
there are at least 5 songs on tcd that are arguably his best work ever. Last call is one of them