but the bible also explicitly calls out and hates gay people
The bible also says there is a time and place for everything. The bible also told Joshua I believe to kill off many men women children and animals. It doesn't tell you exactly why but if you read the carefully it's because the "humans" and "animals" were unnatural i.e. they had mixed blood with fallen angels. But this is really too deep for this forum ... Point is that This isn't going to make Kanye hate people who have gay sex. Just like it won't have him hate someone who lied to him before, we all sin in different ways. What's your sin?
but the bible also explicitly calls out and hates gay people
That’s an interpretation
Many people disagree
but the bible also explicitly calls out and hates gay people
imagine being offended by a 2000 year old book
imagine being offended by a 2000 year old book
literally where do i say i'm offended?
One of the preachers at my church(i don’t go much anymore) is a gay black woman. We love and appreciate her like we would anyone else, she’s an amazing person.
It’s not OUR place to throw hatred at people just because the Bible disagrees with some people's lifestyle. Jesus told US as PEOPLE to love and respect EVERYONE. Regardless of their choices
the bible has been proven to be inaccurate which is why most colleges that started as religious institutions have become liberal. Christianity is compatible with homosexuality when you remove that bias from it.
bro been had Frank somewhere on like half his albums, and Frank been had him somewhere on like half of his. Would probably be a p strained relationship if Ye a homophobe