Ive lost so much money this week 😭 bought the dip last night and it dipped so much harder this morning 😭
Crypto always recovers.
Stable coins anyway. Doge is a different story but it being listed on coinbase will pump it up.
If Elon isn't just being a bullshitter doge is going to go nuts. But I'd bet more on the coinbase thing then Elon
best crypto to buy in rn?
i’m thinking eth and ada
Ethereum is probably the best to go in on right now.
Crypto always recovers.
Stable coins anyway. Doge is a different story but it being listed on coinbase will pump it up.
If Elon isn't just being a bullshitter doge is going to go nuts. But I'd bet more on the coinbase thing then Elon
Yea, it’ll recover in a few weeks. Wish I waited till this morning to buy the dip, could’ve got in so low.
Yea, it’ll recover in a few weeks. Wish I waited till this morning to buy the dip, could’ve got in so low.
It's alright. You can sell at the new ATH that'll eventually hit sometime this year and then get back in during the next crash
Debating on putting 20 more in cus its low asf rn
People who put just a dollar into Bitcoin back in 2013 got good money now. It all starts somewhere.
I sold 10 days ago pay attention to the momentum, that s*** was booming like +200 return I knew that s*** was gone dip but not this hard.
But more now tbh if you didn't lose bad