if you say doggo, pupper, or chonker, I'm convinced that you probably have some kinda brain disease
I love my pupper tho :(
ThIs CrAcKeR DiScMaN sO QuICk To DeFeNd RaCiStS
I HeRd He ThInKs Mj IS gUiLtY cUz He BUilTa KiDdIe TrAp
DiScMaN Is ThE wOaT pErSoN oN ktT
He WoNt AcKnoWLeDgE mY Identity politics
gEt uR melanin RiGhT DiScY
MbDtF Is A cLasSiC
4o FaIr GaMe iN PuShA DiSs
You might as well make a new account and try again
You might as well make a new account and try again
nah all the losers blocked me so theyre nonentities
now I can have a good audience without the whistlers whistling at me
last I checked my ancestors fought for the union
although I heard i'm descended from Robert e lee on my mothers side
he was a goat general
just fought for the wrong side.
if there ever is such a thing in a war
but in that war there definitely was
Ulysses s grant was the goat general and goat president
maybe under trump
and he was half scotch irish
so you already
disc blood is goat blood
I was built to be a goat
even before I was born
jesus picked me out to serve others
so I guess he picked me to be a woat
so I can serve others
and when I see him
i'm goated
You might as well make a new account and try again
plus I could change my username
"I support, but"
What a cornball
Dude doesn’t support s*** unless he’s talking commie theory
Like... this isn’t even close to a dog whistle, just something that he hopes to bring up