Avant-garde artsy types
Art history majors
People who move to nyc from a small town and want to take on a mysterious alt fashion personality
i think u misunderstood-i said mentally STABLE
Those Twitter biracial narratives becoming more true by the day
Why y’all acting like you know her “she needs help” how do you know that lmao cause she shaved her head?
Why y’all acting like you know her “she needs help” how do you know that lmao cause she shaved her head?
hope she sees this bro
Why y’all acting like you know her “she needs help” how do you know that lmao cause she shaved her head?
I see what you saying but has anyone you know irl casually shaved everything above the neck and been good?
She looks amazing and of course it’s men saying she doesn’t
Stop the cap. This bald look is unflattering. It's very few women that can pull of the bald look and she is not one of them.
Thread is crazy
Reminds me of when Lizzo was first popping and everything she did infuriated ktt
People look so scary with their eyebrows shaved
This is not necessarily related to her, but in general, there is something admirable about people who present themselves completely devoid of a need to appear in a way that is expected of them. I like to see people expressing their individuality.
Stop the cap. This bald look is unflattering. It's very few women that can pull of the bald look and she is not one of them.
Just say you hate women