Scrounged up some stones and got teq hit. Should be happy, but I want Goku!!!!!
Hit is ass and has useless leader skill lmao
His leader skill is p good
There's deadass like 5 universe 6 units and Global doesn't even have the best one yet lol
There's deadass like 5 universe 6 units and Global doesn't even have the best one yet lol
Doesn’t he have dual leader skill so you can use U6 and Universe Survival Saga. Once K&C come out that’s a very good team
Doesn’t he have dual leader skill so you can use U6 and Universe Survival Saga. Once K&C come out that’s a very good team
Oh yeah but now since you got the new Goku and Jiren had the same leader skill
Not really all that special
Any of you guys have a team that uses the 3 new awakened units that can beat lge? I dont have the new goku but I want to try using them to beat that event. It seems fun.
Any of you guys have a team that uses the 3 new awakened units that can beat lge? I dont have the new goku but I want to try using them to beat that event. It seems fun.
Do you have Hit or Jiren?
Do you have Hit or Jiren?
got jiren but he and toppo but they take so much damage in the lge event.
got jiren but he and toppo but they take so much damage in the lge event.
Bergamo gonna be a weird 1 to mix in tbh
Because if you had Gogeta could just make a solid movie heroes team
Bergamo only on USA, Siblings Bond and Giant lol
Bergamo gonna be a weird 1 to mix in tbh
Because if you had Gogeta could just make a solid movie heroes team
Bergamo only on USA, Siblings Bond and Giant lol
hmm yea Bergamo doesn't really fit in those teams lol.
I have also been running the new awakened goku and vegeeta units on realm of gods. The furtheset I got was blue goku.
I been trying to beat LGE for like three days now
I got damn near all the units you could ask for to beat him im just ed when it comes to UI on
hmm yea Bergamo doesn't really fit in those teams lol.
I have also been running the new awakened goku and vegeeta units on realm of gods. The furtheset I got was blue goku.
You just gotta build a team with units that stack defense and make sure you have the right items
You just gotta build a team with units that stack defense and make sure you have the right items
oh yea I can beat that easily with a kamehameha team, but I just wanted to beat it using those units because of how broken they are apparently.
oh yea I can beat that easily with a kamehameha team, but I just wanted to beat it using those units because of how broken they are apparently.
Do you have Gogeta or EB Vegeta/Transformation Vegeta?
Could probably build a fire pure Saiyans team with a EB Vegeta lead
That should be able to do it tbh
Could probably build a fire pure Saiyans team with a EB Vegeta lead
That should be able to do it tbh
Are you talking about the phy vegeta? why do you call him EB?