  • really does make this an entirely different game

  • Aug 21, 2020
    2 replies

    another vegito sucks but just like the tuber says, guys say they want other people and then they dont buy

    global is 5 years deep, dokkan is almost 6 years deep. if people showed they'd support a LR transforming Majin Buu or a LR Spirit bomb Goku and Vegeta, they'd give us that.

  • Aug 21, 2020

    another vegito sucks but just like the tuber says, guys say they want other people and then they dont buy

    global is 5 years deep, dokkan is almost 6 years deep. if people showed they'd support a LR transforming Majin Buu or a LR Spirit bomb Goku and Vegeta, they'd give us that.


  • Aug 21, 2020

    Global just skipped the Kale and Caulifla EZA’s and no ESBR

  • Aug 21, 2020
    2 replies

    Chain Battle the most overcomplicated s*** ever

  • Aug 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Who y'all using as your attacker? This s*** lowkey confusing

  • Aug 21, 2020

    Chain Battle the most overcomplicated s*** ever

    Another event I gotta learn how to do

  • Aug 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Who y'all using as your attacker? This s*** lowkey confusing

    The way I see it, I'd use the strongest advantaged card you have (one that sparkles blue then red)

  • Aug 21, 2020
    1 reply

    The way I see it, I'd use the strongest advantaged card you have (one that sparkles blue then red)

    I’ve been using STR Ult Gohan, I just can’t seem to break 40 million. I guess the problem is finding a team stacked with other ultimate Gohan’s to get the most out of his links, but it seems like nobody runs more than 3 in their support team.

  • Aug 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Also, does my connector matter? Should I go with one that matches my attacker’s links or one that fills the chain power meter? And should I even care about the extreme team I choose if I’m using a super type attacker? Too many questions

  • Aug 21, 2020
    1 reply

    another vegito sucks but just like the tuber says, guys say they want other people and then they dont buy

    global is 5 years deep, dokkan is almost 6 years deep. if people showed they'd support a LR transforming Majin Buu or a LR Spirit bomb Goku and Vegeta, they'd give us that.

    This is big facts

    When Piccolo dropped nobody summoned

    When Android 13 dropped nobody summoned

    S*** even Cooler didn’t hit top grossing

    But guess what will hit top grossing easily?


  • Aug 21, 2020

    Chain Battle the most overcomplicated s*** ever

    It’s literally all about your friend’s list

    Just need a full rainbowed Buu and Ultimate Gohan friends list

  • Aug 21, 2020

    Also, does my connector matter? Should I go with one that matches my attacker’s links or one that fills the chain power meter? And should I even care about the extreme team I choose if I’m using a super type attacker? Too many questions

    The more links active the better but to really get super high numbers you need one of your friends to have a full rainbowed Buu team and Ultimate Gohan team

  • Aug 21, 2020

    Vegito and Buuhan are confirmed

    Their dokkan events are leaving on the 26th

  • Aug 21, 2020

    lil disappointed it's not a spirit bomb goku/vegeta and kid buu or something to that effect. vegito is great and all, but a bit burnt on him (makes sense that he's dropping though, so i can't hate). will prob change my mind as soon as i see the animations though

    curious to see what bs restriction we're gonna get with these that's similar to gohan's from last year

  • Aug 21, 2020
    3 replies

    I’m like 99% confident Spirit Bomb Goku/Vegeta is the part 2 LR tbh

  • Aug 21, 2020

    I’m like 99% confident Spirit Bomb Goku/Vegeta is the part 2 LR tbh

    if that is the case, would be cool. but man, prob just gonna be a skip for me since it'll be a legendary/top banner

  • Aug 21, 2020

    I’m like 99% confident Spirit Bomb Goku/Vegeta is the part 2 LR tbh


    They’ll save that unit for a dual fest with Kid Buu

  • Aug 21, 2020
    1 reply
    Maga Law

    This is big facts

    When Piccolo dropped nobody summoned

    When Android 13 dropped nobody summoned

    S*** even Cooler didn’t hit top grossing

    But guess what will hit top grossing easily?


    same reason why they wont give most of DB the love it deserves or wont do some s*** like a Garlic Jr dokkanfest. alot of modern DB fans wont back that. I think Kid Goku boomed in JP, but I doubt literally anything else from that series would succeed

  • Newhouse

    I’m like 99% confident Spirit Bomb Goku/Vegeta is the part 2 LR tbh

    it'll either be this or kid buu no doubt

    like said above, the only thing holding it back is that they wont have a good unit to pair with Kid Buu if they did want to do a dual dokkan fest. but I dont think that would be the biggest factor in their minds. because they still have to drop whichever one they dont pick at SOME point

  • Aug 21, 2020
    1 reply

    @Law check Truth's twitter. you'll see which post im talking about I wont even need to specify it

  • Aug 21, 2020

    same reason why they wont give most of DB the love it deserves or wont do some s*** like a Garlic Jr dokkanfest. alot of modern DB fans wont back that. I think Kid Goku boomed in JP, but I doubt literally anything else from that series would succeed


    People wonder why we ain’t get a dokkanfest King Piccolo

  • Aug 21, 2020
    1 reply

    @Law check Truth's twitter. you'll see which post im talking about I wont even need to specify it

    Yea I peeped

  • Aug 21, 2020
    2 replies
    Maga Law

    Yea I peeped

    Dokkan version of kanye and amber rose I just need bro to drop the chris rock skit and im flying

  • Aug 21, 2020

    Dokkan version of kanye and amber rose I just need bro to drop the chris rock skit and im flying

    Man wildn for sure

    Let him get his s*** off