100+ million damage isn’t gonna be viable on global till people realize they’re gonna have to rainbow those irrelevant Ult Gohan/Buu units.
This what we getting instead of tickets
Can exchange them for the characters featured on the ticket banner
Probably only gonna be able to get 1 I’m sure though
This what we getting instead of tickets
Can exchange them for the characters featured on the ticket banner
Probably only gonna be able to get 1 I’m sure though
yea, i'm curious to see how much it'll cost to pick up a single character. if it's just the DFEs and not LRs (which i'd imagine will prob be the case), then i have no idea who i'm gonna pick, assuming it's even worth it. have multiple copies of just about all the DFEs.
yea, i'm curious to see how much it'll cost to pick up a single character. if it's just the DFEs and not LRs (which i'd imagine will prob be the case), then i have no idea who i'm gonna pick, assuming it's even worth it. have multiple copies of just about all the DFEs.
Yea I could use a dupe in my Teq Trunks and STR Goku
There are a few EZAs I don’t have either
Probably just scoop the Trunks and Goku and use the rest on tickets
If they don’t cost a ridiculous amount which they shouldn’t... Most these units old asf
If you need help with the chain battle, my Super team has 5 Ult Gohans, 2 Gotenks, 1 Hercule on it. Extreme has 3 Fat Buu's. ID is 1097002171
If you need help with the chain battle, my Super team has 5 Ult Gohans, 2 Gotenks, 1 Hercule on it. Extreme has 3 Fat Buu's. ID is 1097002171
added ya. sharing a one dupe kefla rn. hoping this helps me a bit. think i have like one friend with a full ult gohan team, and another with an alright buu team. thinking yours'll do better
added ya. sharing a one dupe kefla rn. hoping this helps me a bit. think i have like one friend with a full ult gohan team, and another with an alright buu team. thinking yours'll do better
There’s so many got damn EZAs and free to play LRs and not enough got damn kais giving out
I probably need over 200 kais to get everyone I got locked in my box to max SA
thanks man. i'll give it a shot after reset
actually just updated both of my teams with more meta cards, so i'm hoping that helps others out a bit
Had 50 stones and had to switch to Android so had to spend them on that trash double rates banner
sorry if this questions dumb but whys there a 7 ticket multi banner and a 50 ticket one?
sorry if this questions dumb but whys there a 7 ticket multi banner and a 50 ticket one?
Basically for whales tbh
sorry if this questions dumb but whys there a 7 ticket multi banner and a 50 ticket one?
I’m not sure but don’t use it on the 7 ticket banner. I think 50 ticket multi might guarantee something
I’m not sure but don’t use it on the 7 ticket banner. I think 50 ticket multi might guarantee something
did a pair of 7 ticket summons, second multi FINALLY gave me teq vegito blue
tragic i'm never gonna use him but still
Dawg this Last resort team with the new SV added is gonna be
It's already broken without him lol
It's already broken without him lol
I know but still.
Dawg giving toppo full additionals and having him double super before LR blue vegito supers he hit 4.1 first super
did a pair of 7 ticket summons, second multi FINALLY gave me teq vegito blue
tragic i'm never gonna use him but still
He'll get a Eza eventually