three rounds
two buucolos
two og lr gogetas (alrdy rainbowed smh)
str cooler
dupes of phy 17, lr agl gohan, str ss saiyaman, str super buu, teq ss2 vegeta and phy transforming vegeta
but no buuhan...97 stones left 😔
SSJ2 team really fun
Might have to cop INT SSJ2 Goku if I don’t pull him
Don't spend coins on nothing but dokkanfest LRs
Don't spend coins on nothing but dokkanfest LRs
yeah I might have to save them for Vegito anyway
Got a dupe LR SS4 Vegeta on the Buuhan banner so far. I'll just stack stones until the last day of the discount pulls
I finally pulled Transforming Vegeta after I posted that
Truth still crying over this chick
Like bro you tried to buy her love and it failed
Buu’s categories are kinda s*** on Global rn imo
Same categories as JP lol
Buu has never been on too many categories
Same categories as JP lol
Buu has never been on too many categories
I mean the categories he leads are missing some characters atm, Exchange Buu, Fit Buu awakening, TEQ Buu EZA, Super 17 EZA.
I had to throw LR Cell and PHY Omega on there
I mean the categories he leads are missing some characters atm, Exchange Buu, Fit Buu awakening, TEQ Buu EZA, Super 17 EZA.
I had to throw LR Cell and PHY Omega on there
Oh yea true
That's why I'm surprised they did Buu Saga without Global having those units
Truth still crying over this chick
Like bro you tried to buy her love and it failed
I love seeing his homies s*** on him so I keep following him lol. I watched his summoning stream and it was mad cringe from the jump
SSJ2 team really fun
Might have to cop INT SSJ2 Goku if I don’t pull him
I understand having that one unit you really considering buying. If I didnt think Cooler was about to be spammed on every extreme banner, I would definitely buy him. makes it harder when every dokkantuber d*** eats him every video. and his category is like the most praised one outside of RoG gotta flip some s*** and im going back on that banner beleeee
I love seeing his homies s*** on him so I keep following him lol. I watched his summoning stream and it was mad cringe from the jump
Yea he kept bringing it up and they were like nigga shut up lmao
I love seeing his homies s*** on him so I keep following him lol. I watched his summoning stream and it was mad cringe from the jump
Bro is so corny lol its obvious he's never been with a girl before this