Truth and Goresh really mad about the Halloween banner
It’s not a bad celebration at all for most players on Global lmao
Truth and Goresh really mad about the Halloween banner
It’s not a bad celebration at all for most players on Global lmao
Truth and Goresh really mad about the Halloween banner
It’s not a bad celebration at all for most players on Global lmao
Deadass, all the units on the banner are ones that either
1. Nobody summoned for
2. Haven't been back since their original banner
3. Are some of the best units in the game
Especially if you're not f2p, I dropped the coins for Future Gohan and $6.99 for the pilaf trove tickets
It's definitely not a bad celebration for it being a minor one.
Truth and Goresh really mad about the Halloween banner
It’s not a bad celebration at all for most players on Global lmao
Goresh is a crybaby
I HATE that nigga man
Yea looks like we getting a big heroes dokkanfest at the end of November
Looks like SSJ4 Broly will be the one
Do anyone of you know who that Indian sounding dude from the Dokkan podcast is? That dude is so annoying.
Can't beat any of the Super difficulty EZAs no matter the team. I beat Raditz one once on a fluke
69 wt tokens
Did y’all summon? I lowkey love this banner
nah spent everything i had on a gotenks round (got him) and two buu rounds (didnt)
idk how im gonna save 200 by new years
Did y’all summon? I lowkey love this banner
I did one pull (so far). Got the Heroes lead, Dabura, and Demigra. I can finally make a full DB Heroes team for these events
Did y’all summon? I lowkey love this banner
Pulled all of the SSJ4’s and Towa in 300 stones
Bro a full TOP team with these dokkan fest LRs and jiren is gonna be wild
And with GOD toppo eza
Save the rest of your stones for the incoming MUI goku and SSBE Vegeta yall
curious to see what their kits are gonna look like
quit playing a couple months back, but i gotta make sure they give lr mui goku the respect he deserves
so we think this phy lr goku/vegeta will be in sixth anny coin shop?
teq gohan and phy beerus would be nice to get on New Years but idk my uss/rou7 teams are hella mid, don’t have str ui goku or str ssgss goku either so he’d really help
idk I’m at like 280, low key wanna summon rn
so we think this phy lr goku/vegeta will be in sixth anny coin shop?
teq gohan and phy beerus would be nice to get on New Years but idk my uss/rou7 teams are hella mid, don’t have str ui goku or str ssgss goku either so he’d really help
idk I’m at like 280, low key wanna summon rn
If we talkin JP ues definitely
If we talkin JP ues definitely