When does Trunks come back. I’m gonna have to get him with coins
S*** IDK
He came back during the download celebration on JP so have no idea when they will be back for Global
S*** IDK
He came back during the download celebration on JP so have no idea when they will be back for Global
Hopefully he comes back during Christmas. Only thing I can think of
Hopefully he comes back during Christmas. Only thing I can think of
Would be a very quick turnaround but maybe or whenever global gets the new years units
majin vegeta dupe. maaaaaaan
though did get an int janemba dupe, another phy gohan dupe, and str super buu, so can't really be too disappointed. just wanted a new LR
ofc when i waste my fking stones they drop the goat banner man i want bandai so fking much
Omg I finally got PHY Vegito
He's gonna be unplayable now that AGL Vegito getting his EZA
ofc when i waste my fking stones they drop the goat banner man i want bandai so fking much
It's alright
Start saving for Christmas
He's gonna be unplayable now that AGL Vegito getting his EZA
I know lmfao. Atleast I can run buu saga I guess
Got 3 LR's off the step up banner. Majin Vegeta dupe, LR Beerus and LR Cell.
Beerus and Cell are new so Im happy
I got lr Bardock and Bojack.
Also I just got rose on legends , and May finally start playing that seriously now.
2 int ui goku dupes and lr ss3 goku which is new
love that they implemented these step up banners and glad i got that lr, love my dusty buu saga team
Pulled LR Bardock
Don't know where tf to run him tho lol
Pure Saiyans your best bet
Or Goku's family
They didn't make Vegito busted but he still a top 3 EZA at worst lol
Probably will be #1 once I see him in action
For sure gonna hit over 2 million
Did 2 multis on the Android 13 banner and pulled him, 17 and Full Power SSJ4 Goku
I want that Trunks badly but I'll pull him on the New Year's banner I'm sure lol