Way Bigger
I like album so far and this song hit the hardest so far
That s*** hard af
This is pretty damn good so far, like it better than his previous stuff I’ve heard - this and CLB seem like fun strip club albums
Should I commit to listening to this?
Is his voice annoying on this?
Its pretty toned back imo
Double Standards - Swangin on Westheimer - D**** N Hella Melodies
Its pretty toned back imo
Listening right now. Actually pretty good so far. lm liking the chilled vibe.
Perfect after hours type music. It’s like if Majid Jordan was over more chill trap beats.
Keem and Don are a perfect match it’s crazy
Double Standards has me pulling my collar like 😬 hrmmmmm but I guess thats kinda the only way to address s*** if you’re gonna address s*** on an album
half way through and this is really great so far. is there anything hard hitting like After Party on here? I’d be totally fine if there wasn’t, because this vibe is really good for his voice