Smoke is a skip. who are these niggas on the track
there's a few too many tracks on this i'm getting bored
what's ur fav song
Double Standards
Company pt 2
Final verse in Way Bigger
em ordem
todas musicas sao boas
mas essas aí são as melhores
company pt 2 growing on me
can't lie on first listen this kinda just washed over me. What You Need set the bar way too high
the first half > second half. def gonna give it a few listens tho
Smoke is a skip. who are these niggas on the track
there's a few too many tracks on this i'm getting bored
nah they both great
Y'all can call me a dusthead if you want, but rappers/singers been using the same played out autotune effects for 15+ years now. S*** is the definition of "dust".
nah they both great
!! HVN dude didn't sound bad and that song is hard. it should've been on the first half with the more hype tracks lol
Y'all can call me a dusthead if you want, but rappers/singers been using the same played out autotune effects for 15+ years now. S*** is the definition of "dust".
Don though? 🤨
Great project on first listen. Sounds like if they made an album based off Astrothunder and Mike Dean synths
Smoke is the worst and only bad song.
the features on it straight booty and ruin the song
Smoke is terrible lol