Bro what are those strings and synths on the last 40 secs of “You” 🥲😭
s*** has me floatin everytime
I thought outer space was good but after a couple listens it got annoying. So honestly i just have xscape, get throwed, flocky flocky saved. Super disappointed with this project after heaven and hell
Even don said he gave his best work on HOH. That album was full of so many more bangers. Life of don pretty boring
Don like the birth child of Travis and cudi
And Trav the birth child of Cudi and Ye
I thought outer space was good but after a couple listens it got annoying. So honestly i just have xscape, get throwed, flocky flocky saved. Super disappointed with this project after heaven and hell
stoped reading after "get throwed" as one of favorites
no need to hear your opinion on music anymore
stoped reading after "get throwed" as one of favorites
no need to hear your opinion on music anymore
S***s fire. Lots of boring songs compared to hoh
Even don said he gave his best work on HOH. That album was full of so many more bangers. Life of don pretty boring
I thought this on Friday but been bumping it a bit more since and think there's a lot to like here too.
It's definitely more low-key than hoh and doesn't have the same level of BIG hooks that it did. But I think he may have seen that get a sort of middling critical reception and try get in his bag and craft more well rounded songs than relying on hooks all the time. And imo there's a great lux sort of night time sound to a lot of the tracks on life of a don.
That said, I do kinda think a lot of artists could probably make this same album lol
songs i got saved atm:
way bigger
what you need
swangin on westheimer
get throwed
s*** has me floatin everytime
This song is all I’ve been listening to, on straight repeat 😅
his melodies on crossfaded are special
Very well-crafted album, doubt it will have major mainstream potential, but great for his core.
with a bad b**** through the whole pandemic
It seems like most ppl that liked HoH are disappointed with this and ppl that were disappointed with HoH like this.
Swangin on Westheimer is boring, there just isn’t happening enough in it for it to be like 5 minutes.
I thought this on Friday but been bumping it a bit more since and think there's a lot to like here too.
It's definitely more low-key than hoh and doesn't have the same level of BIG hooks that it did. But I think he may have seen that get a sort of middling critical reception and try get in his bag and craft more well rounded songs than relying on hooks all the time. And imo there's a great lux sort of night time sound to a lot of the tracks on life of a don.
That said, I do kinda think a lot of artists could probably make this same album lol
Ive gave it a few listens and it's still the same few songs that stick, but yeah i think the lack of big hooks is the problem. I can't say theres one single hook on life of don thats better than anything on hoh. I also think he just played it super safe and didn't go outside the box which lead to a project thats just not special and different than whats already out there. Maybe i hold hoh high because it was my first don toliver project and had no expectations but it made me a huge fan