UK GQ interview
Next album called Lovesick and it’s almost done
UK GQ interview
Next album called Lovesick and it’s almost done
Already got a thread 😈
Already got a thread 😈
U a conquistador
I love dude's voice and melodies but the hook in that snippet...c'mon. I can already tell I'll f*** with the song but lol
beat and his vocals are fire on this but the only thing that bothers me is how amateur the rhymes are on the hook lol
not that it always matters for a melodic artist like don but it’s soo basic
and how long is he gonna do this formula with mike dean synth outros bro
it would be cool if it was his signature but its not
in 2020 don said in an interview he’s gonna make a classic this decade and it’ll be one of the best albums of the decade. to this day i believe he has that in him his potential is insane but he has to break out of being stagnant as he is rn
song kinda ass
in 2020 don said in an interview he’s gonna make a classic this decade and it’ll be one of the best albums of the decade. to this day i believe he has that in him his potential is insane but he has to break out of being stagnant as he is rn
LOAD was great
LOAD was great
not that caliber of great but its very enjoyable
U a conquistador
y they got him doing dumbass interpolation songs