Because believe it or not we’re all Kanye fans at the end of the day (and many of us for over a decade now) and it’s okay to criticize him for work we feel is subpar and have discussions about it. How boring would it be for this place to just be a hive mind echo chamber that praises Kanye no matter what and thinks everything he puts out is perfect? I liked ye. I loved KSG and TLOP. JIK is the first Kanye album I can genuinely say is a mediocre project in terms of lyrics, rapping, songwriting, and even production to some extent. And I think it’s okay for people to explain their negative feelings on the album just like it’s okay for you and others to do the opposite in support of it.
You have had no more than 4 days to assess this project. You haven’t even had ample time to digest it, yet are on here complaining.
Regardless of what you think of the music, the statement of one of the most influential rap stars putting out a religious album without swear words its self is monumental. The cultural statement is much bigger than music, and to compare that to something like MBDTF, and album made to show he can make the best rap album, you will be sad every time.
This era is 10x more impactful and hence why the presidents son is tweeting about the project
Damn I really got 30 pages out of this lol
Cuz u stole my old avi
Have u watched new dolemite yet?
@Drizye thanks for typing that out I kept it short in that comment but even the belief that good and evil exist to me is religious. So often people blame the devil rather than take accountability for their own actions and how they effect others . Same with Jesus for some . In how they repent or how they believe they are good by intelligent deign or seeking heaven rather than their own free will . I am focused on the idea of free will thus we are never saying mass shooter did it because of nra, trump supporter attacked_] because of trumps words or nazis did it because of hitler . There is no just following orders . We posess sentiments and beyond that even the reasons for things are often complex but simplified for public consumption. Ww2 because Germany had to pay for ww1 they experienced extreme poverty and were easier to mold into wanting their own state . Same trauma ironically that makes Israel want their own state of only their people
You have had no more than 4 days to assess this project. You haven’t even had ample time to digest it, yet are on here complaining.
Regardless of what you think of the music, the statement of one of the most influential rap stars putting out a religious album without swear words its self is monumental. The cultural statement is much bigger than music, and to compare that to something like MBDTF, and album made to show he can make the best rap album, you will be sad every time.
This era is 10x more impactful and hence why the presidents son is tweeting about the project
I don’t believe it’ll be anywhere near as impactful as you guys think. What is this going to lead to exactly in your mind?
Furthermore, are those things you believe it’ll bring about even positive? Being religious isn’t necessarily being moral. Oftentimes it seems to lead to the opposite because of the inherent intolerance towards others that it promotes.
I’m not even upset about the fact that Kanye made a religious album. Some of his best songs in the past have touched on his spirituality like Jesus Walks, Ultralight Beam, and Cudi Montage. I dislike the fact that imo he just made a lazy and bad album. But because you guys are on the topic of these huge waves Kanye is going to make with this project, well what are they?
Hard to believe this is the POTUS Twitter account lmao. Wtf
It's his son
I don’t believe it’ll be anywhere near as impactful as you guys think. What is this going to lead to exactly in your mind?
Furthermore, are those things you believe it’ll bring about even positive? Being religious isn’t necessarily being moral. Oftentimes it seems to lead to the opposite because of the inherent intolerance towards others that it promotes.
I’m not even upset about the fact that Kanye made a religious album. Some of his best songs in the past have touched on his spirituality like Jesus Walks, Ultralight Beam, and Cudi Montage. I dislike the fact that imo he just made a lazy and bad album. But because you guys are on the topic of these huge waves Kanye is going to make with this project, well what are they?
Lazy albums are made all the time about other topics and they do well because of replay ability and beats so in a way I think he kept it lyrically lazy so that people can digest on the replays over and over
KTT2 more alt right than KanyeToThe? Y’all are crazy for real
Y’all really attribute beliefs to people that aren’t there
I don’t believe it’ll be anywhere near as impactful as you guys think. What is this going to lead to exactly in your mind?
Furthermore, are those things you believe it’ll bring about even positive? Being religious isn’t necessarily being moral. Oftentimes it seems to lead to the opposite because of the inherent intolerance towards others that it promotes.
I’m not even upset about the fact that Kanye made a religious album. Some of his best songs in the past have touched on his spirituality like Jesus Walks, Ultralight Beam, and Cudi Montage. I dislike the fact that imo he just made a lazy and bad album. But because you guys are on the topic of these huge waves Kanye is going to make with this project, well what are they?
time will tell. but as if now it seems to be capturing a huge audience due to its lack of cursing and jesus theme
the bad reviews about the album are being used as fuel to religious groups- who have always claimed mainstream media outlets reject religious themes.
Kanye’s excuse for supporting trump:
“I’m black and black people are allowed to think for themselves and stop listening to others. And btw did I mention I was black”
Kanye’s excuse for supporting trump:
“I’m black and black people are allowed to think for themselves and stop listening to others. And btw did I mention I was black”
Where did u get this? Isnt it more about seeing trumps attitude in himself🤐
Where did u get this? Isnt it more about seeing trumps attitude in himself🤐
He’s literally said it multiple times in interviews