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  • Oct 29, 2019

    Religion is far worse though because followers tend to be far less flexible and as a whole it's based on absolutely nothing. Unlike those other forms, it's not a response to the world around us; it's a means of defining the life around us and explaining how people should live.

    You should hate gay people because a fictional book from thousands of years ago implies that they're immoral people. The same book that supports slavery. And says that men can be unfaithful in marriage by having s***with a non-married woman but a woman has to be a virgin until marriage and if she cheats, then "when she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse." Interesting, since at the same time the Christian faith also supports the idea of abortion being wrong. And let's not ignore the obvious imperialist nature that religion carries where followers are encouraged to have the duty of "spreading the word." Just ask the various indigenous populations throughout history who had to suffer from that.

    Here's my opinion on the whole Christianity/gay thing. The bible says "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". You may not AGREE with someone having a gay lifestyle, but that doesn't mean they should be excluded from praising God. I mean, it's pretty much the first thing you're taught in church is that we're all sinners. I'm a professional musician, and I was approached by a local church last year wanting me to lead their worship music. I was very apprehensive at first, but I'm glad I accepted it. Our main vocalist is black as well as gay, and we also have the same diversity among the congregation. I wasn't going to play at any church that wasn't accepting of all people.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    If Kanye literally said “ I like Hillary because she a woman “ or any simplistic reason no one would care because at least he likes who we like . But Kanye liking trump really pisses people off because it doesn’t align with their views

    Nobody even likes Hilary. I honestly do not remember so many f***ing idiots being on the original KTT, but Ye really got the ducks exposing themselves.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Religion is far worse though because followers tend to be far less flexible and as a whole it's based on absolutely nothing. Unlike those other forms, it's not a response to the world around us; it's a means of defining the life around us and explaining how people should live.

    You should hate gay people because a fictional book from thousands of years ago implies that they're immoral people. The same book that supports slavery. And says that men can be unfaithful in marriage by having s***with a non-married woman but a woman has to be a virgin until marriage and if she cheats, then "when she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse." Interesting, since at the same time the Christian faith also supports the idea of abortion being wrong. And let's not ignore the obvious imperialist nature that religion carries where followers are encouraged to have the duty of "spreading the word." Just ask the various indigenous populations throughout history who had to suffer from that.

    The Bible doesn’t explicitly tell you to hate gay people because the way they have s***is unnatural and immoral. It’s immoral in the same way watching p***, murdering, and lying is, the people that made you believe you have to hate gays came to that conclusion on their own. Humans can be nasty toward each other and hypocritical, that’s an inherent factor. The narrative that the Bible justifies slavery is wrong as well, in the Old Testament when slaves were mentioned it was referring to servants that owed someone a fee and became temporary workers for them until that fee was paid off. In fact, Ethiopia is said to have been the first majority Christian nation in history, they weren’t forced against their will to choose that religion, and they still practice it to this day. Idk about that abortion s*** tho, God was wylin in the Old Testament

    My only point is that there’s no proof that religion was created as a control tactic, there’s only proof that it can be taken advantage of and used as one, and that’s no ones fault except the people that do that

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Nobody even likes Hilary. I honestly do not remember so many f***ing idiots being on the original KTT, but Ye really got the ducks exposing themselves.

    That’s the odd part to me it was a binary choice he has said he loves Bernie . There is no part of how Hillary conducted herself that anyone should think any era of Kanye would choose her over Trump

  • Y’all found a way to blame religion on the actions of individuals

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Kanye's a fascist bootlicker n his stand are worse

  • Oct 29, 2019

    How can a rap album be "endorsed"

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    That’s the odd part to me it was a binary choice he has said he loves Bernie . There is no part of how Hillary conducted herself that anyone should think any era of Kanye would choose her over Trump

    Considering Ye literally dropped a line stating Trump taking money from the people, it wouldn't seem he would cosign him either. Speaking of which, I still have yet to meet an intelligent Trump supporter that can explain why his recent actions are okay. Ye just acts like a b**** about taxes.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Don Jr. doing big numbers in 2019

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Considering Ye literally dropped a line stating Trump taking money from the people, it wouldn't seem he would cosign him either. Speaking of which, I still have yet to meet an intelligent Trump supporter that can explain why his recent actions are okay. Ye just acts like a b**** about taxes.

    I’m talking about in binary if he had to support someone. I do agree he is acting weird with taxes without any focus on what they do with our tax dollars and how it could be used to make a better society. Ye of last would possibly think of a better way there to use tax dollars and improve America . Ye of now is just heard saying “ I was in debt and now I’m not so God showing off”

  • Oct 29, 2019
    4 replies

    If you aren’t politically in the center to some degree you are part of a cult

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Nobody even likes Hilary. I honestly do not remember so many f***ing idiots being on the original KTT, but Ye really got the ducks exposing themselves.

    honestly purely from the issue of black imprisonment (which appears to be the most important one to him for years), Hillary is actually significantly worse lmao

  • bird

    This would be a great thing to happen

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    They are the same. They never changed. The same Democrat runners of the party in the mid-20th century were Obama and Hillarys mentors. Open racists.

    Just look at all the Democrat strongholds across America. They are sewers of poverty and crime. None of their programs actually seek to help Americans (particularly blacks) and only encourage never-ending dependancy.

    And please, Candace Owens doesn't know half of what I know - she has only been learning about these things in the last few years.

    because democrats are not true left wingers and even then republican obstructionism f***s up any positive policy they do attempt to enact

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    These are the type of dudes who fw ye in 2019 haaa

  • Oct 29, 2019

    people swear san francisco is a liberal bastion because we have the castro f*** no man we're the home of neo-capitalism and the "socialist" city and upper class residents doesnt give a S*** about any of their common citizens

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    why do all of trumps kids except barron look like failed aryan experiments what happened

    Ivanka Trump one of the most beautiful women to walk this Earth tf are you on about?

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Ivanka Trump one of the most beautiful women to walk this Earth tf are you on about?

    man f*** white women dawg

  • Oct 29, 2019

    @Drizye thanks for typing that out I kept it short in that comment but even the belief that good and evil exist to me is religious. So often people blame the devil rather than take accountability for their own actions and how they effect others . Same with Jesus for some . In how they repent or how they believe they are good by intelligent deign or seeking heaven rather than their own free will . I am focused on the idea of free will thus we are never saying mass shooter did it because of nra, trump supporter attacked_] because of trumps words or nazis did it because of hitler . There is no just following orders . We posess sentiments and beyond that even the reasons for things are often complex but simplified for public consumption. Ww2 because Germany had to pay for ww1 they experienced extreme poverty and were easier to mold into wanting their own state . Same trauma ironically that makes Israel want their own state of only their people

    This is just a facile understanding of religion with all due respect. It is very surface level. When people blame the devil, they are in essence blaming the devil in them. For good and evil is a line we draw in our own soul and we know where we stand - that is what tortures us and we run away from...even to deny there is a God.

    And the rest doesn't really make sense. Hitler was a national socialist, and they were very against religion, same with the communists. There is a reason for that: when you remove God, human beings find other things to make an idol of and every other thing is flawed and detrimental to our health.

    Anyway, I am not going to convert you overnight on my way of thinking. It is something you'll get later and that's not to sound condescending but to say I have been on the other side of the argument. There is a reason people get conservative as they grow older; they realise the wisdom of the past.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    These are the type of dudes who fw ye in 2019 haaa

    Rich and successful people? What’s the problem?

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    Rich and successful people? What’s the problem?

    superficial post right here ^^^^

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    Rich and successful people? What’s the problem?

    lol do u timmy

  • Oct 29, 2019

    lol do u timmy

    so much wrong w his post

  • Oct 29, 2019

    superficial post right here ^^^^

    this new era exposing fellas gotta love it

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Communism didn’t kill anyone

    Humans did

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