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  • Oct 29, 2019

    if i saw jesus ia smack that nigga

  • Oct 29, 2019

    This nigga made a gospel album and he sharing dangerous ideas lmaooooooooooooo. I swear folks just be talking out they ass

  • Oct 29, 2019
    4 replies
    · edited

    The Left is waging a war against Jesus Christ, they will lose.

    (Check the first response to the tweet)

    You know, I personally believe in faith. I truly think that it is a good thing for people to get into and believe in something, it can help them as a human being and get them through struggles, and hard times.

    However what Kanye is doing is using Christianity as a way to gain attention and relevance which is most likely a sin. I don't support that. I also don't support forcing religion onto people. America was built on freedom and you are allowed to peacefully believe in what you want. Forcing your religion onto other people is a disgusting thing to do.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Rogan can be a total s***head but on the whole entertaining with really wide mix of guests. He alright

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Album doing 300K first week now

  • Oct 29, 2019

    This nigga made a gospel album and he sharing dangerous ideas lmaooooooooooooo. I swear folks just be talking out they ass

  • Oct 29, 2019
    3 replies

    idk if this can be said everywhere but in where i live there is a lot of animosity towards people that are religious

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    You know, I personally believe in faith. I truly think that it is a good thing for people to get into and believe in something, it can help them as a human being and get them through struggles, and hard times.

    However what Kanye is doing is using Christianity as a way to gain attention and relevance which is most likely a sin. I don't support that. I also don't support forcing religion onto people. America was built on freedom and you are allowed to peacefully believe in what you want. Forcing your religion onto other people is a disgusting thing to do.

    You’re replying to a Donald Trump troll account with paragraphs...

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    You know, I personally believe in faith. I truly think that it is a good thing for people to get into and believe in something, it can help them as a human being and get them through struggles, and hard times.

    However what Kanye is doing is using Christianity as a way to gain attention and relevance which is most likely a sin. I don't support that. I also don't support forcing religion onto people. America was built on freedom and you are allowed to peacefully believe in what you want. Forcing your religion onto other people is a disgusting thing to do.

    This makes literally no sense Kanye has the most Google's brand in planet Earth he does not need more attention if anything this will lose him fans

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply
    Monky business

    idk if this can be said everywhere but in where i live there is a lot of animosity towards people that are religious

    Where do you live?


    You know, I personally believe in faith. I truly think that it is a good thing for people to get into and believe in something, it can help them as a human being and get them through struggles, and hard times.

    However what Kanye is doing is using Christianity as a way to gain attention and relevance which is most likely a sin. I don't support that. I also don't support forcing religion onto people. America was built on freedom and you are allowed to peacefully believe in what you want. Forcing your religion onto other people is a disgusting thing to do.

    That is true, but I think he is using his relevance to spread the word of the Gospel.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    3 replies

    Where do you live?

    Charlotte, NC

  • Oct 29, 2019

    This nigga made a gospel album and he sharing dangerous ideas lmaooooooooooooo. I swear folks just be talking out they ass

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    And major news programs credit warmongers and super pac rooks as credible sources

    believing major news programs either

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Would subsricbe and put the class credit on my LinkedIn f*** wit me

    will you Blexit?

  • Oct 29, 2019
    Monky business

    idk if this can be said everywhere but in where i live there is a lot of animosity towards people that are religious

    Sounds like you live in a Utopia

  • Oct 29, 2019
    Ghetto Lenny

    You’re replying to a Donald Trump troll account with paragraphs...

    Just spreading wisdom.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    cry some more.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    cry some more.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    dt jr a tpusa clown

  • Oct 29, 2019

    believing major news programs either

    Haha my guy

  • Oct 29, 2019

    OK someone was onto something with the Russian bots .

    Can we love one another now?

  • Oct 29, 2019
    Monky business

    idk if this can be said everywhere but in where i live there is a lot of animosity towards people that are religious

    cuz religion did us all wrong b

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