Donald Trump remarks shows ‘corona’ crossed out and replaced with ‘Chinese’ virus (VIDEO/PICTURES)
“It’s not racist at all,” Trump told reporters of the label on Wednesday. “It comes from China, that’s why.”
President Donald Trump on Thursday was photographed reading from notes at the daily coronavirus task force press conference where the word “corona” was crossed out and replaced with “Chinese” to described COVID-19.
President Donald Trump emphatically blamed China for the coronavirus pandemic Thursday, and again made a point of using the term “Chinese virus.”
“The world is paying a very big price for that they did,” Trump said, referring to his claim that Chinese officials did not fully share information sooner about the coronavirus outbreak after it began in China.
“It could have been stopped right where it came from, China,” Trump said at a White House news conference.
He argued that American officials would have been able to act faster if China’s government had fully shared information about the outbreak, which began around the city of Wuhan.
“It would have been much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier,” the president said.
Asked if there would be repercussions for China given his view of how that country handled the outbreak, Trump said, “I don’t want to comment on that right now.”
The photograph, taken by a Washington Post photographer, showed the word crossed out in what appeared to be Sharpie and in the president’s own handwriting.
The image comes as Trump has ramped up his description of the coronavirus as a “Chinese virus” as he’s been questioned about whether he considers the label to be racist.
“It’s not racist at all,” Trump told reporters Wednesday. “It comes from China, that’s why.”
There has been significant public criticism of the term, which critics say will inflame anti-Asian sentiment aimed at Asian Americans and Asian American-owned businesses here in the U.S.
John C. Yang, president and executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, told NBC Asian America that Trump’s use of the term could have a dangerous impact.
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Donald Trump remarks shows ‘corona’ crossed out and replaced with ‘Chinese’ virus (VIDEO/PICTURES)
“It’s not racist at all,” Trump told reporters of the label on Wednesday. “It comes from China, that’s why.”
President Donald Trump on Thursday was photographed reading from notes at the daily coronavirus task force press conference where the word “corona” was crossed out and replaced with “Chinese” to described COVID-19.
President Donald Trump emphatically blamed China for the coronavirus pandemic Thursday, and again made a point of using the term “Chinese virus.”
“The world is paying a very big price for that they did,” Trump said, referring to his claim that Chinese officials did not fully share information sooner about the coronavirus outbreak after it began in China.
“It could have been stopped right where it came from, China,” Trump said at a White House news conference.
He argued that American officials would have been able to act faster if China’s government had fully shared information about the outbreak, which began around the city of Wuhan.
“It would have been much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier,” the president said.
Asked if there would be repercussions for China given his view of how that country handled the outbreak, Trump said, “I don’t want to comment on that right now.”
The photograph, taken by a Washington Post photographer, showed the word crossed out in what appeared to be Sharpie and in the president’s own handwriting.
The image comes as Trump has ramped up his description of the coronavirus as a “Chinese virus” as he’s been questioned about whether he considers the label to be racist.
“It’s not racist at all,” Trump told reporters Wednesday. “It comes from China, that’s why.”
There has been significant public criticism of the term, which critics say will inflame anti-Asian sentiment aimed at Asian Americans and Asian American-owned businesses here in the U.S.
John C. Yang, president and executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, told NBC Asian America that Trump’s use of the term could have a dangerous impact.
Trump: It’s Not Racist To Call Coronavirus The ‘Chinese Virus’ – Video
“I absolutely think that words used by him matter,” he said. “Certainly use of this term by him and others even in the last couple of weeks have led to a noticeable incline in hate incidents that we are seeing. I do think that there is a correlation.”
Administration officials have defended the term by pointing out that the Chinese government has in recent weeks attempted to blame the U.S. for the virus, which originated in the Wuhan region of China.
Since 2015, the World Health Organization has warned against giving outbreaks geographic or national labels in order “to minimize unnecessary negative effects on nations, economies and people.” Some prominent geographic or national labels from pandemics past, like Spanish Flu, have even been misnomers.
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Wuhan virus more accurate
he’s only doing this to distract people from how s***ty of a job they’re doing
Donald Trump is a piece of s***
This virus also technically did start in China, where many viruses have started
he’s only doing this to distract people from how s***ty of a job they’re doing
every day some reporters are like "why r u calling it this?"
maybe the first day, sure, pointlessly try to reason w this dude cus ur media station wants clicks
but every day after that? that's media seriously prioritizing the wrong issues, and trump is leading them directly into such
It’s not exactly racist to call it the Chinese virus but the issue is a lot of his followers are violent racists. I would not be surprised if they committed acts of violence against Asian Americans.
he’s only doing this to distract people from how s***ty of a job they’re doing
his flaws and wrongs exposed day by day
Even if the world knew about covid-19 earlier, I don’t think our response would’ve been much different. We knew its existence since late November and US didn’t give a f*** until the last week or two. People were calling it “just another flu”
Donald Trump is a piece of s***
This virus also technically did start in China, where many viruses have started
chinese niggas eat anything ong