If he having 2 red bull and 6 espresso he going to see god himself soon
the amount of b12 off those red bull is way too much to take in lol
you basically having pre workout
what is B12 sounds like Beamo23
Normal coffee a waste of time especially most keurigs. Its something to give you anxiety and upset your stomach
Apparently the inventor of Keurig killed himself once he realized how bad it was for the environment
Apparently the inventor of Keurig killed himself once he realized how bad it was for the environment
what it do for the einvinrontment
I have worked overnight jobs. Currently work a 12 hour job lol at work now chilling . This s*** life changing helps me focus too :
Bruh I literally laughed out loud seeing this skull face on some coffee beans
I worked a 10 hour night shift over the summer so I feel u but normal regular coffee always works for me
what it do for the einvinrontment
billions of little plastic cuppies everywhere
Bruh I literally laughed out loud seeing this skull face on some coffee beans
I worked a 10 hour night shift over the summer so I feel u but normal regular coffee always works for me
Normal coffee a waste of time especially most keurigs. Its something to give you anxiety and upset your stomach
Coffee be giving y’all anxiety? Y’all need help lmaoo
Coffee be giving y’all anxiety? Y’all need help lmaoo
Not even, I provide my own anxiety thank you very much
Aye bro u can’t be drinking like that daily of it’s gonna catch up to u later in life
Bruh I literally laughed out loud seeing this skull face on some coffee beans
I worked a 10 hour night shift over the summer so I feel u but normal regular coffee always works for me
If you read the reviews for this again when you brew it right it literally feels like you are on d**** in the best way. The cleaning montages I do off this are unreal
Apparently the inventor of Keurig killed himself once he realized how bad it was for the environment
"Keurig coffeemaker co-inventor John Sylvan went to the ER reporting tunnel vision and heart palpitations. After a few tests the doctors had no clue so they asked questions like "how much coffee do you drink?" To which John replied "30 or 40 cups a day." The diagnosis was caffeine poisoning."
Keurig coffee weak as f***
I chose my path, you chose the way of the hero. And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero, is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. Despite everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother?
"Keurig coffeemaker co-inventor John Sylvan went to the ER reporting tunnel vision and heart palpitations. After a few tests the doctors had no clue so they asked questions like "how much coffee do you drink?" To which John replied "30 or 40 cups a day." The diagnosis was caffeine poisoning."
Keurig coffee weak as f***
yoooo s***!
My old boss once told me about being up for 72 hrs, chugging cold brew, and he ended up in the ER with damn near a hole in his stomach
Doc said he woulda been better off doing a pile of cocaine
yoooo s***!
My old boss once told me about being up for 72 hrs, chugging cold brew, and he ended up in the ER with damn near a hole in his stomach
Doc said he woulda been better off doing a pile of cocaine
Mans had a heart attack when I worked at amazon he was all about energy drinks and 5 hour energy and still came back. mans was likely on coke too but might as well have just done coke.
He could unload an entire truck by himself and bosses knew so just worked him. Mans got a high off of unloading trucks fast
was like watching a machine work
Was like watching Jordan in his prime
Apparently the inventor of Keurig killed himself once he realized how bad it was for the environment
that s*** shouldn't have been that funny lmaoo
that s*** shouldn't have been that funny lmaoo
I dont know if that is true was trying to google but if true it is genuinely funny
if Donda 2 dont slap imma never forget it because he dropping one day before my moms birthday