This either gonna be a masterpiece or his worst album
I dont wanna hear this dumb s***. Donda and WUITB both fire af and better than most on Ye and JIK
This better be better than JIK I swear to god
it will be bro. did you hear DONDA and WUITB
80 degrees it’s warmin up for meeee.
Me Cudi Ye back in japan just how it shoulda been push yea that’s till the end 😭😭😭
Only 8 pages
This thread shouldn’t exist we have a whole album pinned thread already that does pages and pages
Wait I hope Kanye keeps Nicki’s verse secular and raw af lol No edits please. It’s the most Poppin unreleased verse on social media right now, especially Tik Tok.
20 tracks? A track dedicated to Kobe? Sheesh.. Looks like Ye's been working on this for a while
which track dedicated to kobe
nvm clearly my brain aint working
Why would Gods Country not be on the part called gods country if there’s a part called gods country???
Why would Gods Country not be on the part called gods country if there’s a part called gods country???
yeah i dont get why ppl think that ahahah