Today is 12 years since she passed away on Nov 10, 2007....
Could today's sunday service be extra special?
Suggest tuning in to to find out
Crazy yo i remember when she died it was everywhere
Prolly gonna do Hey Mama
Today is 12 years since she passed away on Nov 10, 2007....
Could today's sunday service be extra special?
Suggest tuning in to to find out
I’ve been trying to keep up. Is there a scheduled SS today?
This reminds me that i cant remember my grandmas birthday i block out the deceased so i dont greive as hard, and i know its a s***ty thing to do, but even still when i remember things like this it just floods back. Damn shame
I’ve been trying to keep up. Is there a scheduled SS today?
Yeah, same place same time I think
Prolly gonna do Hey Mama