Ye has more spotify hits than Yeezus lol tiktokers ate it up
This means nothing if its not generating enough to chart. Yeezus has done its numbers lol and came out before streaming heavy and tik tok
400K +
Ye only spent 23 weeks on the charts
JIK spent 16 weeks.
Only 23 weeks? That's long ass time for a EP sized album lol
Do listening party numbers mean anything? Ticket sales = album pre-orders? Apple music numbers = mean anything?
Only 23 weeks? That's long ass time for a EP sized album lol
No its not. Lol
that insane number of tracks is gonna beef up the streams big time. 200k is way too low, maybe if it was a normal length
I honestly think he’s gonna do very good with this
i do as well, jik had very little songs and almost no replayability and almost sold 300k, too bad he missed 2 days
I have seen this album be posted like 15 times since it came out on ig stories. This def doing 300k
200k+ even with it dropping on a Sunday morning, the hype is unreal. What y’all think
Didn't ye push that kind of numbers with only 7 songs ? No way a 27 songs album doing the same then
No Kanye album has ever came and went
Like ever
Nah, JiK and Ye definitely came and went.
TLOP was the last album that it felt like the world STOPPED when it dropped.
Man if he would've dropped it Friday it would've done MASSIVE numbers. The hype is incredible. Think maybe 300k