It held me down for so long but it’s time guys. Gotta get my mind right and get back in shape and be the person I know I can be.
It used to bring me joy but not anymore. Maybe I’ll come back when I’m in a better space but for now it’s time. Ill update everyday to make sure i keep my word if anyone wants to join me on this journey tag along lol. If not it’s cool smoke
One for ya boy. To a better life fam
Congrats. Was led to doing the same. It made me too unproductive. Now just have to quit the wine and I’m on a much better track. Be sure to replace the time spent smoking with something productive or you may slip back into it.
Just recently started the same thing gettin fully sober for first time in years. let’s get it
Proud of u bro!
It always fascinates me how weed affects people differently. It makes me more productive and more reflective
Maybe they need to reban weed in the states if it’s giving people trouble. I don’t know we’ll have to see about that
It always fascinates me how weed affects people differently. It makes me more productive and more reflective
wouldnt have made it this far into my studies without it
It always fascinates me how weed affects people differently. It makes me more productive and more reflective
Can't even smoke weed without getting mad paranoid
about to roll a fat one now tho
Lmaoo did this the other day and when I was high I was just like man I don’t need this anymore but enjoy that s*** bro
It always fascinates me how weed affects people differently. It makes me more productive and more reflective
It just all depends on what space you’re in tbh. If you got ur s*** together it’s a lot easier cos ur not worried about s*** compared when u are then u smoke and start thinking about all that s*** also age the older u get I think the more u mature which makes u less want it I guess just all depends. For me I just need to get my s*** together and wanna get back in shape let myself go on this quarantine so usually smoking would always make me just never want to work out
I quit weed and ended up drinking way more, cut that out and now I’m good
I feel like that’s what’s gonna happen to me but I think I can manage Brew easier considering I don’t wanna do it when I wake up compared to weed I would u know
Maybe they need to reban weed in the states if it’s giving people trouble. I don’t know we’ll have to see about that
It’s only gonna get more legalized at this point no going back
@op congrats! I quit at the start of the year. Best choice I've made in a long time. Really was the catalyst for me getting my entire life on a real positive track.
It always fascinates me how weed affects people differently. It makes me more productive and more reflective
It’s the strains