someone give short synopsis without spoiling
It’s just a doc about Luke Magnotta
It’s just a doc about Luke Magnotta
Luka Rocco Magnotta is a Canadian murderer who was convicted of killing and dismembering Chinese international student Jun Lin before mailing Lin's hands and feet to elementary schools and federal political party offices.
da f***? lmaoo gotta watch this now
Been a bit obsessed with Luka ever since seeing this doc. Just looking at him, you would never expect such horrible crimes. His behavior in vids before he killed cats and made the snuff film, was odd but never came across as a potential killer. That’s what makes it so scary. He doesn’t look like what you would imagine a sadistic killer looks like. Someone that looks totally normal or even having model type looks could be someone really sick, twisted, and evil.
You could tell his head wasn’t right in that CoverBoys clip
The way they hovered over the buy option then switched to rent when they were talking about Basic Instinct killed me
Been a bit obsessed with Luka ever since seeing this doc. Just looking at him, you would never expect such horrible crimes. His behavior in vids before he killed cats and made the snuff film, was odd but never came across as a potential killer. That’s what makes it so scary. He doesn’t look like what you would imagine a sadistic killer looks like. Someone that looks totally normal or even having model type looks could be someone really sick, twisted, and evil.
Nah, he didn’t look normal at all. He looked and sounded exactly like Elliott Roger. Someone who thinks the world owes them. My problem is that if Luka were black, none of the cops nor you would have this type of remorse or thinking that he doesn’t look like a killer. It’s interesting to see tbh
Nah, he didn’t look normal at all. He looked and sounded exactly like Elliott Roger. Someone who thinks the world owes them. My problem is that if Luka were black, none of the cops nor you would have this type of remorse or thinking that he doesn’t look like a killer. It’s interesting to see tbh
His audition or whatever it was when he’s filmed in that room was BEYOND autistic
this the 1 lunatic 1 ice pick dude right?
No it’s about the live action movie Cats and how you shouldn’t mess with it
His mother is delusional.
"Are you complicit?"
Also when that dumbass girl compares the animal stuff to humans or 9/11 yikes
when she said “and YOU.... you watching this whole f***ing documentary on luka.... are you complicit?”
like no, shut up binch!
Holy s*** i remember following this case when i was like 12 years old i forgot all about this luka guy
The two facebook group people in this were annoying af lol
Also, feel bad for the mom not being able to accept that her son was just a sociopath
the mom seemed like an even bigger psycho tbh
luka really was a smart person but he was absolutely insane
A lot of insane people are fairly smart