heads roll tonight
Can’t believe how many mfs have teamed up against Drake as of recent lol. That jealousy catches up with everyone eventually..
Can’t believe how many mfs have teamed up against Drake as of recent lol. That jealousy catches up with everyone eventually..
I feel like he gotta ether Ross cuz dude came out the woodwork to hate
I feel like he gotta ether Ross cuz dude came out the woodwork to hate
There’s a laundry list but Ross and future are at the top for me.. like wtf?? Out of left field…
Yall think Papi waiting till the future album drop to see what’s there before dropping
Yall think Papi waiting till the future album drop to see what’s there before dropping
i hope this not cap
Who even is this ?
Who even is this ?
he's a producer who frequently lies about having exclusive info
ppl that actually followed the thread title would have died from sleep deprivation by now