Thinking he got banned for conspiracy theories again.
Linus with the 5Head take
Thinking he got banned for conspiracy theories again.
Linus with the 5Head take
I think that's why everything is being so quiet as of. Twitch is just wanting to get rid of his toxicity and Doc seeking possible legal action. During everything that has happened as of late and Docs history theyre probably looking for a reason to ban him. Mixer being out of the picture and with Shroud and Ninja coming back it makes it a lot easier just to buy out Docs contract out and ban him.
This would be controversial which is why I think twitch is refunding subs.
I could be wrong just a theory as of now.
I think that's why everything is being so quiet as of. Twitch is just wanting to get rid of his toxicity and Doc seeking possible legal action. During everything that has happened as of late and Docs history theyre probably looking for a reason to ban him. Mixer being out of the picture and with Shroud and Ninja coming back it makes it a lot easier just to buy out Docs contract out and ban him.
This would be controversial which is why I think twitch is refunding subs.
I could be wrong just a theory as of now.
Why is Linus even commenting on dr.disrepect
Why is Linus even commenting on dr.disrepect
It’s a pretty big deal. Doc was basically the face of Twitch and just signed a huge deal with them back in March. Man is on every call of duty commercial and had his own show coming out.
It’s a pretty big deal. Doc was basically the face of Twitch and just signed a huge deal with them back in March. Man is on every call of duty commercial and had his own show coming out.
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Facebook gaming
I would see him going to YouTube or DLive where he can get away with a lot more things.
Thinking he got banned for conspiracy theories again.
Linus with the 5Head take
Really hope it's over something like this and not something more serious
Thinking he got banned for conspiracy theories again.
Linus with the 5Head take
I feel like it's gotta be something bigger than this. No way he was banned for just mentioning he watched a documentary and bought the dudes book, unless like Linus said, Twitch was just looking for any reason they could to ban him. I mean he didn't even mention any conspiracy theories. Doc being quiet about this whole thing also makes it seem like something serious.
This week a ton of streamers/youtubers have had allegations of rape/sexual assault/racism raised against them and Twitch has already banned a few of them. I'm not saying Doc is guilty of any of those things, but the timing of this makes me suspicious. Hopefully that's not what happened.
Thinking he got banned for conspiracy theories again.
Linus with the 5Head take
Highly doubt its due to his conspiracy theories, he went on his most controversial conspiracy rant 2 months ago and didnt get punished, they are refunding all of his subs now (i believe over 17,000+). Theres been multiple sexual assault cases in the twitch community lately so im hoping hes not involved with that
I feel like it's gotta be something bigger than this. No way he was banned for just mentioning he watched a documentary and bought the dudes book, unless like Linus said, Twitch was just looking for any reason they could to ban him. I mean he didn't even mention any conspiracy theories. Doc being quiet about this whole thing also makes it seem like something serious.
This week a ton of streamers/youtubers have had allegations of rape/sexual assault/racism raised against them and Twitch has already banned a few of them. I'm not saying Doc is guilty of any of those things, but the timing of this makes me suspicious. Hopefully that's not what happened.
Ok u said everything i said but better lol, started realizing s*** was serious serious when they started refunding his subs
i dont know s*** bout streaming or who this guy is but I demand to know why he was banned 😤