  • Oct 20, 2021

    Donut asking the real questions

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Karma for beating her.

    he beat her so bad we never heard about it until hundreds of millions of dollars were on the line huh

  • This is terrible for a multitude of reasons but imagine how the family feels

  • Oct 20, 2021

    Do u have proof the women lied?

    If yes, why wasn't it considered in the courtroom before your friends went to prison? Or why aren't u submitting it now for a repeal or sum

    Well goddamn Sam

  • Oct 20, 2021

    Do u have proof the women lied?

    If yes, why wasn't it considered in the courtroom before your friends went to prison? Or why aren't u submitting it now for a repeal or sum

    why aren’t you submitting it

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    woman are so sociopathic man what’s wrong with them

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Reminds me of dude serving Tyga at a fan meet lol

    Bruh this scary as s*** servers WILL find you and hand you s*** interrupting whatever

  • Oct 20, 2021
    2 replies

    Didn't dude pose to the camera right after that

    He stood in line to get the shoes and give him the summon

  • Oct 20, 2021


  • Oct 20, 2021
    Larry Hoover Fan

    He stood in line to get the shoes and give him the summon

  • americana

    Imagining marriage is probably as close as you’ll get to a woman

    oh my god

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply
    tittie succ

    woman are so sociopathic man what’s wrong with them

    Data suggests that men are overepresented in the anti-social disorder spectrum (sociopathy, psychopathy, narcissistic personality disorder)

    Plus, this has most likely nothing to do with her (I'm assuming you're referring to the ex-wife) - people who dodge getting served get this treatment if I'm not mistaken

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Data suggests that men are overepresented in the anti-social disorder spectrum (sociopathy, psychopathy, narcissistic personality disorder)

    Plus, this has most likely nothing to do with her (I'm assuming you're referring to the ex-wife) - people who dodge getting served get this treatment if I'm not mistaken

    no one cares about your study sciencecuck

  • Oct 20, 2021

    Dr Dre hates his fans so he prob hated his grandma

  • Oct 20, 2021
    tittie succ

    no one cares about your study sciencecuck

    OK tittie succ

  • Oct 20, 2021
  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Do u have proof the women lied?

    If yes, why wasn't it considered in the courtroom before your friends went to prison? Or why aren't u submitting it now for a repeal or sum

    I do but F*** I look like I ain’t no attorney dog. Court system is set up to f*** men over. Problem is everybody take their word without any real skepticism behind it. Y’all think s*** is one way but it’s not.

  • Oct 20, 2021

    he beat her so bad we never heard about it until hundreds of millions of dollars were on the line huh

    loser energy.

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    I do but F*** I look like I ain’t no attorney dog. Court system is set up to f*** men over. Problem is everybody take their word without any real skepticism behind it. Y’all think s*** is one way but it’s not.

    Idk what your friends are in prison for but if u have proof u need to help them - at least let him know so he can contact an attorney (there are free attorneys out there)

    There are even organizations who specialize in freeing innocent men/women from prison

    There are many avenues to consider if u really believe your friends are locked up for a crime they didn't commit

    I have a hard time believing you have evidence that your friends are innocent tbh
    I think u believe their story over the victim's (which I can understand to a degree since those are your friends)

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Oct 20, 2021

    Imagining marriage is probably as close as you’ll get to a woman


  • Oct 20, 2021

    Imagining marriage is probably as close as you’ll get to a woman

  • Oct 20, 2021
    Larry Hoover Fan

    Bruh this scary as s*** servers WILL find you and hand you s*** interrupting whatever

    Lmao he still posed with Tyga after that

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Do u have proof the women lied?

    If yes, why wasn't it considered in the courtroom before your friends went to prison? Or why aren't u submitting it now for a repeal or sum

    you’re so naive

  • Oct 20, 2021
    Larry Hoover Fan

    He stood in line to get the shoes and give him the summon

    forgot about this

    this a ktt1 classic right here

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    you’re so naive

    I'm naive for asking fair questions?

    Explain how honestly

    what do u know about that poster's friends case that I don't?

    What do you know about the judicial system that I don't?

    Btw, I'm very aware of biases and discrimination in the courtroom

    Unless the poster tells us what happened (details) we don't know if the victim lied or not..... So ur also just choosing to believe someone u don't even know based on your opinion of women in court I assume (I'm sure u don't even have any study/data/source to support those beliefs)

    I guess ur going off of faith lol 😂