Dre’s a big part of why I love Hip-Hop.
This would suck. Don’t even want to think about it.
I just hope he pulls through 🙏
Obviously the stress from the divorce trial. 😳
Hearing about that lady stresses me tf out, imagine Dre She should just take the L, wasting more time than she probably planned to
Hearing about that lady stresses me tf out, imagine Dre She should just take the L, wasting more time than she probably planned to
Maaan she should’ve walked away with 200 mil or whatever it was and considered herself in a nice situation 😒
Dre is in a great locale for his medical condition. Quincy Jones survived, although....you can’t play trumpet or horns 😔
Oldheads are the worst lmao. Seen this posted on FB on a radio station’s page and some bitter ass oldhead was like “Remember kids....one day this will be Young Thug.”
Shut yo old hating ass up. Hopefully it’s you next.
plz don't bring that negative energy into this thread.
plz don't bring that negative energy into this thread.
Agreed. We have to stay civilized at times like this.
Dre is in a great locale for his medical condition. Quincy Jones survived, although....you can’t play trumpet or horns 😔
i never knew this wtffff “To blow a trumpet would almost certainly dislodge the clip that holds together Jones's main brain artery”
Aneurysms are no joke. Most people die from them. Glad he’s in stable condition. I’m just praying for him to fully recover. 🙏🏾