Brain aneurysms (spelling?) some scary s*** man. Hope he pulls through. Know some folks that had that, seemed fine, then fell off and passed away within a week or two after. Hope he's good
If we lose Dre then legit part of all our childhood dies.
If we lose Dre i’m done with being nice . This man is probably the biggest reason I love music like I do
Lol. I mean before Em and 50 was even in the game.
Chronic Dre was Top 10 Billboard
Yeah he hasn’t put himself in the spotlight since 96 though
The fact that the odds were in the favor that we lost Dre today is f***ing crazy....
Long Live The Legend.
Dr. Dre
Aneurysms are no joke, hoping he gets the care he needs and has a successful and speedy recovery
that's good to hear i scrolled past my newsfeed just now and you just assume the worst from how things have been.
glad dre is doing good and i hope for the best recovery for him
just days after his wife spent the night with him
hope hes okay though
he need to play him some lucki