Movie is kino, love the super colourful vibe and the Gogeta debut
We don't talk about the Hitler being resurrected subplot
Tien wins! (6-7)
Piccolo wins! (0-6)
Tien bro srsly. He has some cool moments but 17 way better in every way
Tien cooks from DB to DBZ Buu saga & Then in Super. I love me some 17 though.
Trunks wins! (8-0)
Master Roshi wins! (4-2)
Gogeta wins! (0-6)
Goten wins! (5-0)
As someone who was introduced to the series through Z, I never understood why people like Master Roshi so much, and would go as far as to say that some are actually indifferent and just bandwagoners
If you like jeice over kid buu please donโt insert your opinion on anything ever because it is invalid
If you like jeice over kid buu please donโt insert your opinion on anything ever because it is invalid
dude, his accent is epic, and he has some of the best poses in the force, among many any other things. Kid Buu does not wash Jeice man
Surely jeice doesnโt win