Wait what’s the dye you can buy used for then?
dye your hair and tattoos
After 132 hours for my first play through. Finished it up. I think I got the true secret ending, since I had max affinity with my pawn. At first I thought something went wrong because myI knew my pawn had Dragonsplague when I entered the last beam
If someone could gift me a Jasper it would be greatly appreciated asap
If someone could gift me a Jasper it would be greatly appreciated asap
I’ll do it, give me a lil. send me your PSN account cause i don’t have enough RC
I’ll do it, give me a lil. send me your PSN account cause i don’t have enough RC
My fault had to hop off.
I should’ve put my low lvl pawn ID.
Try PSN: Babaalawo
gonna do a NG+ soon but i just wanna say i hope this game delivers a quality story DLC before 2026
If you are in need of money, an easy way to get it is by renting pawns. Could easily get 1,000,000+ gold in an hour. No exlpoits.
Couple things you gonna need first, get 99 Tarring Arrows, and 99 Explosive arrows
Once you got those head to a riftstone, either Battahl’s or the one in Vernworth. So you can search for pawns. Once you’ve enter the rift what you’re gonna do is the following:
Search for a Pawn > Advanced Pawn Search
From there choose min/max level 1. For vocation start off with just Fighter. Skip gender/race. Quest Knowledge, make sure to UNMARK the box. So it reads “Quest Knowledge None”
Then for inclination choose 1 at a time. So first make sure just Kindhearted is chosen. Leave Search by Weapon Skill off. After that just hit search.
If you’re on PS5 press R1 (w/e the equivalent is on PC/Xbox) to cycle to “Specialization/Quest” so it’s displayed above the Pawns heads. The ones you’re looking for are the Pawns with an arrow icon next to their Pawn Quest, and it says “Yes”.
People have set up various pawns in the rift where their quest is just to give them a tarring or explosive arrow and you’ll get 12 onyx (the most common) as a reward. Onyx sells for 2800g in Vernmount. You get a stack of 99, that sells for approximately 237,600g per stack. This takes like 10 minutes? Maybe 15 minutes to max out yourself and your pawn. Since carrying capacity for items outside of wyrmcrystals is 99, even in storage.
If you do it and all the pawns quest seem to be fulfilled, just sleep at an inn, to refresh it to get new quest.
But basically you cycle through all the inclinations should be able to give you more than enough per vocation. I’m up 2m after about 45 minutes. I recommend it if you’ve beaten the game already. I planned on buying and upgrade it every piece of gear available in the game so that’s why I did it. So now all I gotta focus on is getting upgrade materials.
Wish they had this at launch :/ def woulda copped on ps5 cause that’s my preferred platform. oh well.
Crazy how much this game seemed to just fall out of the conversation.
Feel like general opinions on it have soured since release. Impressions I got it is that it somehow manages to still feel incomplete just like the first game, which seems wild to me.
Crazy how much this game seemed to just fall out of the conversation.
Feel like general opinions on it have soured since release. Impressions I got it is that it somehow manages to still feel incomplete just like the first game, which seems wild to me.
Why don’t you just play it lmao, think for yourself
Crazy how much this game seemed to just fall out of the conversation.
Feel like general opinions on it have soured since release. Impressions I got it is that it somehow manages to still feel incomplete just like the first game, which seems wild to me.
honestly it just wasn’t fun
i really tried to enjoy it but couldn’t get hooked at all and the performance was so bad it made it even harder to enjoy wish i never bought it tbh
honestly it just wasn’t fun
i really tried to enjoy it but couldn’t get hooked at all and the performance was so bad it made it even harder to enjoy wish i never bought it tbh
What happened fam you said the game was really cool and fun a few pages ago i guess crimsonark was right ppl are souring on this game damn
Idk I thought the combat was like on another level from any other rpg, I can’t wait to hop back in when they add hard mode. I need it now, and dlc too.
Crazy how much this game seemed to just fall out of the conversation.
Feel like general opinions on it have soured since release. Impressions I got it is that it somehow manages to still feel incomplete just like the first game, which seems wild to me.
the first game became extremely overhyped in the last few years and that bled into the sequel
Why don’t you just play it lmao, think for yourself
Waiting for a Dark Arisen type update/expansion. Sounds pretty damn bare bones as it is and I have plenty of other stuff to play.
What happened fam you said the game was really cool and fun a few pages ago i guess crimsonark was right ppl are souring on this game damn
Idk I thought the combat was like on another level from any other rpg, I can’t wait to hop back in when they add hard mode. I need it now, and dlc too.
that new type of game charm wore off so fast for me man
i do like the climbing on enemies for combat that’s so cool (i never played the og one to be fair)
What happened fam you said the game was really cool and fun a few pages ago i guess crimsonark was right ppl are souring on this game damn
Idk I thought the combat was like on another level from any other rpg, I can’t wait to hop back in when they add hard mode. I need it now, and dlc too.
Eh I think people just playing other s***. I got 200+ hours outta this n ain’t touched it in bout a month n a half or so. Imma definitely get back to it after SOTE.
I think they’re glaring flaws in the game despite it still being my favorite game of the year so far. Mainly is that it’s made a lot of the same mistakes the first game had 12 years at this point? It’s kinda inexcusable.
Waiting for a Dark Arisen type update/expansion. Sounds pretty damn bare bones as it is and I have plenty of other stuff to play.
Fair enough, interested to hear your thoughts when you try it out though
I did the demo on pc
It's me or is the magic broken?
I made a mage pawn and he was quite powerful, he killed enemies with just one flame spell
i wish magic didnt have to be casted slow and i wish the performance at launch was better because those are 2 major things i remember when i think back to how this game was
also enemy variety was kinda poor
The demo is really fun. This feels like a classic high fantasy adventure and a break from all that dark fantasy s*** we get now….. that said I’m hearing that the game gets boring like 10 hours in? Is this true?
The demo is really fun. This feels like a classic high fantasy adventure and a break from all that dark fantasy s*** we get now….. that said I’m hearing that the game gets boring like 10 hours in? Is this true?
it gets boring if u feel the need to do everything the way that those newer Assassin's Creeds would feel, some stuff is side content for the sake of more content and isn't anything special
if u actually just focus the main story its mad fun, especially with the patches they've released to help some QoL and performance but yeah after a certain point in the exploration u start to get bored as there are no new enemies and barely any super rare items worth finding