but anyway, has anyone commented about the insane 1 minute+ three syllable rhyme scheme on this song????
damn bruh 1.5k replies is way too many replies on here for one song. i wish the commenting settings was like reddit
It's in there. It's exactly what the freestyle video sounds like.
It's in there. It's exactly what the freestyle video sounds like.
it's actually so crazy he rhymed like 20 bars with "see those eyes"
They gave us the original mix
Just when you thought this couldn’t get better
Honestly better than anything off his last few albums if we’re keeping it all the way real
Watch these in succession and thank me later
Watch these in succession and thank me later
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUif6C_uJgk&pp=ygURYmVoaW5kIGJhcnogZHJha2U%3D!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHVD24WVKJs&t=332s&pp=ygUTYmJjIGZyZWVzdHlsZSBkcmFrZQ%3D%3D!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJNINnfNLB4&pp=ygUVZHJha2Uga210IGluIHRoZSBjbHVi!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6bCXQno72g&pp=ygUVZHJha2Uga210IGluIHRoZSBjbHVi!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIlMtVGI5Pg&pp=ygUJd2FyIGRyYWtl!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znQriFAMBRs&pp=ygUSb25seSB5b3UgZnJlZXN0eWxl!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfX1QlfxTBI&pp=ygUTYmJjIGZyZWVzdHlsZSBkcmFrZQ%3D%3DA nice lil ep of Freestyles here
A nice lil ep of Freestyles here
I dream about turning these yutes into dust