I'm standing up for a mixed guy being referred to as white but i'm racist
American public schools everybody
How do you expect black issues to be resolved if participants of conversations can only be black people? You're an idiot and you're uneducated. Report me again b****
How about you start talking about other races then? Why is it that you weirdos always wanna insert yourselves into Black business with your unwanted and disingenuous "help" but don't ever wanna speak on the goings-on with other races?
White people sure as f*** have a ton of issues, issues that have and continue to directly impact other races. Indians frequently have issues with how women are treated as if they are third class citizens. It's East Asian groups that deal with overpopulation or some with low birth rates and an aging work force that leads to less young people having work available. Don't ever hear the discussions about them, but for some reason y'all got all the time in the world to talk about Black people.
Get off our d*** you f***in fake f*** d***head.
I'm standing up for a mixed guy being referred to as white but i'm racist
American public schools everybody
This white savior ass bullshit is the exact reason why people are telling you to mind your business.
"I'm standing up for the mixed guy!"
Man shut the f*** up lmao
Taylor without all those bundles and gimmicks tells a different story.
It tells a million first week four times in a row lmao
How do you expect black issues to be resolved if participants of conversations can only be black people? You're an idiot and you're uneducated. Report me again b****
Why would someone without cancer go to a cancer group therapy session you f***ing bozo. Or someone who doesn’t drink goes to AA. That’s you nigga. If a black person tells you they don’t feel comfortable with you - a NON BLACK PERSON - speaking on black issues then be humble and stfu and sit it out
You’re an entitled twerp and I know you wouldn’t pop none of this s*** to a nigga irl
I do more for the black community in my day to day than you could ever imagine b****. Im speaking as a latino with boots on the ground. Racism was replaced with classism a long time ago
That doesn’t answer the question. You’re in here complaining about how “the black community” bases blackness off of melanin, and yet you made a thread s***ting on Beyonce for appearing light in a couple of photos.
You’re a part of the problem and you’re not even black.
Enjoy another 100 years of systemic oppression then p****
Very weird post. @sab
Glad you revealed your true colors
Why would someone without cancer go to a cancer group therapy session you f***ing bozo. Or someone who doesn’t drink goes to AA. That’s you nigga. If a black person tells you they don’t feel comfortable with you - a NON BLACK PERSON - speaking on black issues then be humble and stfu and sit it out
You’re an entitled twerp and I know you wouldn’t pop none of this s*** to a nigga irl
Buddy is a piece of s***
We’re talking pure passion not who’s better
Aite homie What does that even matter if a lazy silly billy whose heart not in still does better s*** and gets more respect. If anything makes the silly billy look even better cuz he not even trying too hard and is excelling, you gotta change your outlook don't spreadsheet.
I'm standing up for a mixed guy being referred to as white but i'm racist
American public schools everybody
Lightskins have always been the butt of the joke online but irl its a whole different story. They calling him white because they're on their phone screen. Irl he'd take their b**** and they wouldn't say a word
Why would someone without cancer go to a cancer group therapy session you f***ing bozo. Or someone who doesn’t drink goes to AA. That’s you nigga. If a black person tells you they don’t feel comfortable with you - a NON BLACK PERSON - speaking on black issues then be humble and stfu and sit it out
You’re an entitled twerp and I know you wouldn’t pop none of this s*** to a nigga irl
I'm latino man. If you think my experience growing up latino in a predominantly black neighborhood disqualifies me from trying to bring people closer not apart than f*** it like i said enjoy the next 100 years. I'm already educated with a good job. I'm good
Buddy is a piece of s***
Beyonce who is hailed by many members of the black community as the end all be all of black beauty is trying to make herself appear more like a white woman. If you can't see why she wants to do that especially after releasing a country album with her dressed as a cow girl holding an American flag then i feel sorry for you
Then again i'm brown not black so my opinion is invalid right
Very weird post. @sab
Glad you revealed your true colors
Report me again cocksucker. I'm not saying anything that isn't true. You guys are just so uneducated and dense you don't realize this bs lightskin vs dark skin s*** is one of the many reasons why poc live with a crabs in a barrel mentality. @ me when you crack open a book or anything other than a soda c***
I'm standing up for a mixed guy being referred to as white but i'm racist
American public schools everybody
It’s the internet weirdo. It’s just jokes.
Go save a black person in real life clown.
You probably cross the street when you see Black people 🤣🤣🤣
I'm latino man. If you think my experience growing up latino in a predominantly black neighborhood disqualifies me from trying to bring people closer not apart than f*** it like i said enjoy the next 100 years. I'm already educated with a good job. I'm good
How about you speak on the s*** that goes on in Latino communities then?
I find it extremely interesting how you think that just because you live with Black people means you're suddenly the expert on the Black community and have free range to talk about it and insert yourself in topics like colorism, and accusing a Black woman of trying to turn herself into a white woman...
Do you even understand how f***in stupid that is once you say it out loud? Imagine a white person saying some dumb s*** like "I grew up around Latinos and this is my issue with immigrants coming into America!" You think just because you hang out with Black people or they live by you that you're an expert on Black people and the community? I promise you that you don't know a goddamn thing. And the reason for that is...YOU ARE NOT BLACK. YOU DO NOT LIVE THE BLACK EXPERIENCE. What is hard to understand about this?
You keep saying you're "educated" but if you actually were then you'd understand not to insert yourself into s*** that has absolutely nothing to with you because you'd know this isn't your lane. As a Black man, why the f*** would I ever speak about the Latino community and their issues when I'm not Latino? What the f*** would I actually even know about that if I'm not Latino?
You're full of s***. I'm 95% sure that you don't actually like Black people the way you feel so comfortable talking down on us on some "You know what the problem with you Blacks is!?" And again, why don't you start making threads calling out the issues that plague the Latino community if you're so educated and interested in bringing people together? You only have interest in the Black community? Sounds like some self-hate issues or that you desperately want to be Black and accepted into the Black community.
Like Brave already said, your goofy ass wouldn't say any of this s*** to Black people you know IRL because you know exactly how that's going to go for you being Latino. Keep your f***in mouth shut.
The obsession some of you weirdos have with Black people despite not being Black needs to be studied. It's gotta be some kinda sickness or sense of inferiority or insecurity about your own race. S*** is pathetic.
Beyonce who is hailed by many members of the black community as the end all be all of black beauty is trying to make herself appear more like a white woman. If you can't see why she wants to do that especially after releasing a country album with her dressed as a cow girl holding an American flag then i feel sorry for you
Then again i'm brown not black so my opinion is invalid right
You are a piece of s***, and I’d smack you if this was irl
How about you speak on the s*** that goes on in Latino communities then?
I find it extremely interesting how you think that just because you live with Black people means you're suddenly the expert on the Black community and have free range to talk about it and insert yourself in topics like colorism, and accusing a Black woman of trying to turn herself into a white woman...
Do you even understand how f***in stupid that is once you say it out loud? Imagine a white person saying some dumb s*** like "I grew up around Latinos and this is my issue with immigrants coming into America!" You think just because you hang out with Black people or they live by you that you're an expert on Black people and the community? I promise you that you don't know a goddamn thing. And the reason for that is...YOU ARE NOT BLACK. YOU DO NOT LIVE THE BLACK EXPERIENCE. What is hard to understand about this?
You keep saying you're "educated" but if you actually were then you'd understand not to insert yourself into s*** that has absolutely nothing to with you because you'd know this isn't your lane. As a Black man, why the f*** would I ever speak about the Latino community and their issues when I'm not Latino? What the f*** would I actually even know about that if I'm not Latino?
You're full of s***. I'm 95% sure that you don't actually like Black people the way you feel so comfortable talking down on us on some "You know what the problem with you Blacks is!?" And again, why don't you start making threads calling out the issues that plague the Latino community if you're so educated and interested in bringing people together? You only have interest in the Black community? Sounds like some self-hate issues or that you desperately want to be Black and accepted into the Black community.
Like Brave already said, your goofy ass wouldn't say any of this s*** to Black people you know IRL because you know exactly how that's going to go for you being Latino. Keep your f***in mouth shut.
Ain't reading all that
Like i said you don't need allies or support sounds good
Enjoy another 100 years of systemic oppression then p****
You are a f***ing Latino
That's the same guy who tried to white wash beyonce not even a month ago. He is not an ally.