More life to my brudda, clb soon forward it’s cooked, More life to my brudda, clb soon forward it’s cooked, more life to my brudda...
He’s gonna run out of birthdays to pass soon
Drop the release date nigga
At this point, I don't care about anything he has to say if it isn't about dropping music. All this s*** is just nonsense talk until then.
I need it to drop, I'm tired of all these "cooked" comments from him.
"CLB soon come, you know how we scumming!"
It's gotten so bad that I don't even believe anything Drake says at this point. You know that washed uncle who is always attending family get-togethers broke as f*** and lying about s*** he doesn't even need to lie about? That's me with Drake at this point. Every IG story teasing the album in some way or every new clip of him talking about an album we still don't have has me like this:
It's gotten so bad that I don't even believe anything Drake says at this point. You know that washed uncle who is always attending family get-togethers broke as f*** and lying about s*** he doesn't even need to lie about? That's me with Drake at this point. Every IG story teasing the album in some way or every new clip of him talking about an album we still don't have has me like this:
More Life to my brudda..TheGreatDivine you know how we scumming
Was this his way of giving a real update...
At this point, I don't care about anything he has to say if it isn't about dropping music. All this s*** is just nonsense talk until then.
Lmaoo fax. I'm glad he's geeked on the project but he should just say that.
We been hearing "soon" for like a year and a half
Lmaoo fax. I'm glad he's geeked on the project but he should just say that.
We been hearing "soon" for like a year and a half
I liked that he didn't do any of this teasing s*** with DLDT or Scary Hours 2. Just announce s*** and then drop. Don't keep getting people excited and wasting that anticipation by not doing anything. That's wack.
I liked that he didn't do any of this teasing s*** with DLDT or Scary Hours 2. Just announce s*** and then drop. Don't keep getting people excited and wasting that anticipation by not doing anything. That's wack.
Thought he learned this lesson with Views