  • Apr 4, 2022

    The Boy didn’t appear at the Raps game tonight against Kyle Lowry’s homecoming - possibly going to be at the Grammys tonight?

  • Apr 4, 2022
    1 reply

    In houston

  • Apr 4, 2022

    In houston

  • Apr 4, 2022

    The Boy didn’t appear at the Raps game tonight against Kyle Lowry’s homecoming - possibly going to be at the Grammys tonight?

    He pulled CLB from the Grammys, he's not going.

  • Apr 4, 2022

    Grammy’s are lame af

    Keem should of won best rap song

  • Apr 4, 2022

    New chune incoming

  • Apr 4, 2022
    3 replies

    I don't think any Hip Hop artist should be going to the Grammys anymore. S*** just doesn't represent our culture well at all. Every year Grammys becoming more and more like every other popularity contest that masquerades as an award show instead of the one true prestige award show it is supposed to be.

  • Apr 4, 2022

    I don't think any Hip Hop artist should be going to the Grammys anymore. S*** just doesn't represent our culture well at all. Every year Grammys becoming more and more like every other popularity contest that masquerades as an award show instead of the one true prestige award show it is supposed to be.

    Didn't Tyler win RAOTY like you wanted.

  • Apr 4, 2022
    2 replies

    I don't think any Hip Hop artist should be going to the Grammys anymore. S*** just doesn't represent our culture well at all. Every year Grammys becoming more and more like every other popularity contest that masquerades as an award show instead of the one true prestige award show it is supposed to be.

    It's crazy that you say this.. first off I'm a big rap/r&b/hip-hop fan.. but you kinda sound like a drama queen because this music is one of many genres taken into consideration when talking about the grammys.. like why should this genre, or any other genre, be the 'top tier'? Why can't they just all be treated the same.. and they are, but you're acting as if the type of genre you enjoy should be held on a pedestal.. that isn't fair or even how this works

  • Apr 4, 2022

    It's crazy that you say this.. first off I'm a big rap/r&b/hip-hop fan.. but you kinda sound like a drama queen because this music is one of many genres taken into consideration when talking about the grammys.. like why should this genre, or any other genre, be the 'top tier'? Why can't they just all be treated the same.. and they are, but you're acting as if the type of genre you enjoy should be held on a pedestal.. that isn't fair or even how this works

    you must not know the history of this show. half of the hip hop categories aren’t on the show and it’s only like a handful of them. it’s been the number one genre for some time but still doesn’t get the respect it deserves by the Academy

  • Apr 4, 2022

    It's crazy that you say this.. first off I'm a big rap/r&b/hip-hop fan.. but you kinda sound like a drama queen because this music is one of many genres taken into consideration when talking about the grammys.. like why should this genre, or any other genre, be the 'top tier'? Why can't they just all be treated the same.. and they are, but you're acting as if the type of genre you enjoy should be held on a pedestal.. that isn't fair or even how this works

    When the f*** did I ever say it should be “top tier” or it’s better than other genres? You just making s*** up lol. I’m just talking on Hip Hop because it’s been one of the most historically misrepresented, disrespected and devalued genres when it comes to the Grammys.

  • Apr 4, 2022

    I don't think any Hip Hop artist should be going to the Grammys anymore. S*** just doesn't represent our culture well at all. Every year Grammys becoming more and more like every other popularity contest that masquerades as an award show instead of the one true prestige award show it is supposed to be.

  • Apr 4, 2022