You want Drake not to be a simpy creep so bad but honestly hes probably only friends with rihs brother to always be close to rih cus hes a f***ing weirdo like that.. Rih dont want this simp and what does he do? Visits her childhood home..
What makes u think he didnt talk to her before going?
What makes u think he didnt talk to her before going?
What makes you think he did and how would that call go anyways "hey rih just checking in. Im at your childhood home or at least im about to be
" that s*** sounds horrifying.
What makes you think he did and how would that call go anyways "hey rih just checking in. Im at your childhood home or at least im about to be
" that s*** sounds horrifying.
Maybe rih heard he was in barbados and said "visit rihanna drive"? Or her brother was there and texted him to come thru? Yall some virgins for real man lmao
How y’all know he didn’t get Rihanna’s permission for this?
Music sxn is cancer
Damn he almost got a sleeve now
Man loves portraits
Beatles one is corny tho
Yeah he wilding with that one
Maybe rih heard he was in barbados and said "visit rihanna drive"? Or her brother was there and texted him to come thru? Yall some virgins for real man lmao
Calling people virigns on a music forum cus they think visiting an ex gfs childhood home which essentially is a museum of her after she friendzoned you on tv is creepy makes you look like a virgin too fam. A psychopathic one at that.
Calling people virigns on a music forum cus they think visiting an ex gfs childhood home which essentially is a museum of her after she friendzoned you on tv is creepy makes you look like a virgin too fam. A psychopathic one at that.
Not feeling comfortable to kiss on tv = friendzoning. Why was she walking around the next day in his shirt?
only weird part about this is being cool with your ex's brother
He should stop f***ing with her brother because they broke up? Theyve been friends since 2010
How y’all know he didn’t get Rihanna’s permission for this?
she probably told him to go tbh
only weird part about this is being cool with your ex's brother
Aint weird at all imo
aye man he just tryna find his Kim
Shouldnt he look on p***hub then?
Not feeling comfortable to kiss on tv = friendzoning. Why was she walking around the next day in his shirt?
delusions and fantsies about drake smashing her and him giving her his shirt is virgin talk fam. Maybe rocky pounded her out and cuckeddd drake.. For all you know rocky smashed and kicked her out the hotel room naked and drake saw this and then gave up his shirt so she wouldnt be nude. Probably said "i would never do that you" which is why hes friend zoned. Point is. What i just said is as ridiculous as your theory. Yall stans grasping at straws.
delusions and fantsies about drake smashing her and him giving her his shirt is virgin talk fam. Maybe rocky pounded her out and cuckeddd drake.. For all you know rocky smashed and kicked her out the hotel room naked and drake saw this and then gave up his shirt so she wouldnt be nude. Probably said "i would never do that you" which is why hes friend zoned. Point is. What i just said is as ridiculous as your theory. Yall stans grasping at straws.
Buddy is f***ing insane. He been in here since this morning Imagine going this hard over another mans nut