How can any reasonable critic rate this lower than Scorpion?
Cause Scorpion knew what it was. There’s some nice gems on Dark Lane but even tho if it’s a demo tape,it’s all over the place.
Cause Scorpion knew what it was. There’s some nice gems on Dark Lane but even tho if it’s a demo tape,it’s all over the place.
And the project titled demo tapes DOESNT know what it is?
Cause Scorpion knew what it was. There’s some nice gems on Dark Lane but even tho if it’s a demo tape,it’s all over the place.
All over the place > 12 of the same song and then 13 of another song
@Hollewood bait thread
LMAO. Nicki stans impressed like it wasn’t a mixtape of leaked demo tracks.
Maybe if Nicki fans actually played her music more instead of trying to ignite stan wars on Twitter then Official Sexual Assault Mascot Nicki Minaj could have a successful rap career again.
Cause Scorpion knew what it was. There’s some nice gems on Dark Lane but even tho if it’s a demo tape,it’s all over the place.
like scorpion was some concise body of work lmao
And the project titled demo tapes DOESNT know what it is?
You can also say that rapping wise,we’re getting the same Drake on all these tracks. The man has mastered his style but refuses to switch it up.