Why tf would (if limp bizkit dude said) drake be their homie or even be at a limp bizkit show to begin with?
Limp been running the game for 30 years+
limp biscuit > ratm,deftones,soad,linkinpark
Oh my god cut your ears off call yourself vincent van gogh
They were until limp bizkit started dissing em for dissing everlast even when at the beginning they were behind em dissing everlast lol
damn top 3 white rappers going at each others necks hate to see it
limp biscuit > ratm,deftones,soad,linkinpark
The paradigm of the Earth shifting from bad to worse occurred alongside your birth.
yo remember when plies brought that fan on stage and he socked him and made a video like "plies is in my top 5 but i just had to do it"
yo remember when plies brought that fan on stage and he socked him and made a video like "plies is in my top 5 but i just had to do it"
color money
Week ass jump kick, bruh woulda took himself out before security with that form
Week ass jump kick, bruh woulda took himself out before security with that form
I read a YT comment long time ago where someone said Shaggy died in mid air when trying to land that jump kick on Fred
yo remember when plies brought that fan on stage and he socked him and made a video like "plies is in my top 5 but i just had to do it"
Hell nah bruh woulda been on the ground or in the dirt
The "culture"
There was actually a point in time when Limp Bizkit was embraced by the culture. Few tracks with Xzbit, Method Man and Redman, DMX, Snoop Dogg, Raekwon, and even Lil Wayne.
And even though they're seen as scammers or weirdos (or both) in the culture these days, Limp Bizkit also had close ties with Birdman and Diddy. Appearing in one another's music videos or concerts, or even providing production or backing vocals.
They're some white dudes from Florida who made some pretty ass music, but they did help bridge that gap between metal and rap and brought the fusion to a large mainstream level in the 2000s. For better and for worse. Whether we like to give it to them or not, they do actually have a place in the culture. The same way that RATM, Linkin Park, or Korn have a place
It's a Limp Bizkit concert of course the audience wouldn't be Drake fans
People still making excuses like this?
There is a reason Drake has not been in uncontrolled public environments.
what's sad is im pretty sure they were cool at one point and them along with linkin park was like a trifecta of that late 90s early 00's angsty white boy s***
Deftones transcends race
Hell nah bruh woulda been on the ground or in the dirt
plies security stomped him out and he got tossed