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  • Jan 2, 2020

    Im ngl i never knew who baka was. Im not up on the drake lore. If thats all it is then its a nothingburger, sadly.

    Dam i thought wed get some good s*** like Drake DMing traffickers

    Friend of drakes from time, was in jail until recently I believe. Probably met through a mutual friend like chubs or jay prince. I think the from time voicemail outro was recorded in prison but I can’t be too sure of that honestly

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Ya he only served prison time for d****.


  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Ya he only served prison time for d****.


  • Jan 2, 2020
    Mos Bit

    We got 20 dudes itt but cant rustles up a sinkle usd between us.

    Not worth the money for some s*** that's already publically known and you can just look up. She's not even an insider, journalist, nor Canadian. A nigga from Scarbs on KTT will probably know more than her.

  • Jan 2, 2020

    someone give the hoe a dollar and release her video pls

  • Jan 2, 2020

    aka its not nice and i live up to my NAME

  • Jan 2, 2020
    2 replies

    this what she look like??? lmaooo

  • Jan 2, 2020

    literally because his friedn is baka, this b**** is merked get outtta hereee.

  • Jan 2, 2020
    5 replies

    man that b**** is ugly as hell!! I bet Baka wouldnt even traffic her ass

  • Jan 2, 2020

    As a Drake hater this seems like a money grab why she telling you to donate to her channel

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    now that twitter wanna cancel him I feel like switching sides and defending him tbh

    This is exactly what’s gonna happen. I feel the same way. It’s different when the actual culture is clowning drake cause at the end of the day we all f*** with him (let’s be real) and it’s just jokes.

    But when people outside the culture like the owner of this channel hop on the bandwagon I can’t in good conscience side with them

  • Jan 2, 2020

    man that b**** is ugly as hell!! I bet Baka wouldnt even traffic her ass


  • Jan 2, 2020

    this what she look like??? lmaooo

    Filters on filtrs but she stil a mudbone

  • Jan 2, 2020


    Ya. I'm reading a summary of what he went to prison for. And it wasn't prostitution. It was d**** charges.

  • Jan 2, 2020

    man that b**** is ugly as hell!! I bet Baka wouldnt even traffic her ass

    This might be the new future won't let you into the club. 2020 starting strong

  • proper 🔩
    Jan 2, 2020

    Pimpin ain’t easy

  • Jan 2, 2020
    2 replies

    Finally, this f***ing pedophile/sex trafficking ableist is getting what's owed to him. Been waiting on this since B was on th outro on F T***. He's been ACTIVELY putting money into the pockets of a slave ring.


    One day the victims will be brave enough to speak out. Young, and old.

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply
    Uber Shooter

    Oh no, a rapper is dangerous. Nigga jus gon sell off even more


    being a street nigga

    and the nigga u use for protection in your street endeavors being a whole s***trafficker are two completely different things and i'd hope and assume u know this but i hope u got the likes and quotes

  • Jan 2, 2020

    This is exactly what’s gonna happen. I feel the same way. It’s different when the actual culture is clowning drake cause at the end of the day we all f*** with him (let’s be real) and it’s just jokes.

    But when people outside the culture like the owner of this channel hop on the bandwagon I can’t in good conscience side with them

    Nah I really don't lol

  • Jan 2, 2020

    Chubs finna tap up man and wire up man just like he did detail

  • Jan 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Finally, this f***ing pedophile/sex trafficking ableist is getting what's owed to him. Been waiting on this since B was on th outro on F T***. He's been ACTIVELY putting money into the pockets of a slave ring.


    One day the victims will be brave enough to speak out. Young, and old.

    we should 100 thousand percent not #BelieveAllWomen

    I know my b**** is a liar so why tf am I gonna trust some random ass b****

  • Jan 2, 2020

    Finally, this f***ing pedophile/sex trafficking ableist is getting what's owed to him. Been waiting on this since B was on th outro on F T***. He's been ACTIVELY putting money into the pockets of a slave ring.


    One day the victims will be brave enough to speak out. Young, and old.

    I guarantee this isn't that

  • Jan 2, 2020

    man that b**** is ugly as hell!! I bet Baka wouldnt even traffic her ass


  • Jan 2, 2020

    Inb4 "I just found out he's friends with this guy named baka..."

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