Drake has been referencing this song a lot recently when he mentions “Mr. Big Dreams” and I just want to bring it back to people’s attention because it’s an older song of his and they might not get the reference. One of his finer moments
I remember listening to this in middle school and thinking it was just okay. Now i listened to this song a few weeks ago after some big achievement and it brought tears to my eyes after thinking how we could all be mr big dreams and see some of our dreams come true
Ain’t having real convos with those who don’t know about this fr he manifested this s*** from jump street
Ain’t having real convos with those who don’t know about this fr he manifested this s*** from jump street
honestly this song just gets better with time because he was really about it like that. he really had supreme confidence in himself and didn’t just make it he became it
This was literally the song that put me onto drizzy
love that i didn’t get the vision in 09 but i get it now
will always be my favorite drake song just off nostalgia
also the drake song that turned me into a believer
will always be my favorite drake song just off nostalgia
it’s moving up my rankings might become my favorite one day
this song will forever remind me of my youth and when i first heard it. carried me through middle school, high school and college
this song is a good example of putting it all out there in a genuine way and the sentiments lasting the test of time, 16 year old song and still hitting as I age
Drake has been referencing this song a lot recently when he mentions “Mr. Big Dreams” and I just want to bring it back to people’s attention because it’s an older song of his and they might not get the reference. One of his finer moments
really the beginning of a special run
take me back
will always be my favorite drake song just off nostalgia
this song will forever remind me of my youth and when i first heard it. carried me through middle school, high school and college