Japan I get but Italy?
Have u ever been to italy and eaten italian was a shot at drake
Drake always rapping about these exotic ass places we've never heard of and this nigga saying he barely traveled
Greece and Ibiza are exotic to you?
Japan I get but Italy?
I mean he's a mob boss, I would've expected him to have visited Italy
I heard they not the nicest to colored folk out there. However I met a lot of friendly Romanians at my old job tho, still in contact with one of them to this day
really surprised he hasnt been to either even outside of tour himself already
This. I guess when ur so busy touring making music and doing interviews, photo shoots buying clothes n s*** u don’t really have the time to just live
Japan and not Korea?
drake and kim jong-un meet up
never been there on a tour or never been there ever?
never been there on a tour or never been there ever?
Drake was in Italy otherwise he won't be living like Sopranos, Italianos
so "back and forth to Italy" was cap?
Drake was in Italy otherwise he won't be living like Sopranos, Italianos
had to be
If we all pitch in we can get drake his first ticket to italy. i know some of u are getting foreclosed on so we can take out a loan on you
If we all pitch in we can get drake his first ticket to italy. i know some of u are getting foreclosed on so we can take out a loan on you
Drake in tokyo gonna change his life
He just gotta bring the right woman with him so she don’t ruin the aura