damn some nervous drizzy fans itt
I heavily f*** with Abel but both are from the same woods one punked beats and the other one tried to put him under his wing
Average user ITT explaining how Drake should stop acknowledging The Weeknd
They creating fake scnarios in they head, decided Abel is jealous and dissecting Weeknd's supposed resentment towards him lmao
Abel doesn’t have the cross over appeal and character that allows him to stick like drake does. Music is amazing, but he lacks whatever Drake has to claim that spot.
It won’t ever happen anyway, he needs to get over it.
I don’t think he cares about crossover appeal. There’s prob stuff behind the scenes that he doesn’t like about him. Quality wise, he knows his discography is better than Drake’s lol
@PolarSZN and @thegreatdivine take the crown here for the most unhinged and delusional posts itt
Keep crying