Meanwhile need to buy the NLU Bot package this is embarrassing
All this culture vulturing but deep down he is really that popular high school mean girl in any of those teen flicks from the early 2000s
I don’t think drake leaked it for the record but it’s worth adding that adin left a voice mail saying how good drakes d*** is then asked 21 if he’s seen drakes d***
They being a***ytical with the meat like it's a sports segment
You wanna take up for Ong? Then come get his legacy outta my house
His legacy is the rights to continue making threads about his favourite rappers opps
Just gonna leave you with this q again - why you still so concerned about what the losing side is doing?
Good battle
Look at this sissy whining just like that p**** Drake. Fck you crying a real one and got all my backing. You better get used to it it’s gonna be a long summer for you Drake groupies.
Sissy really crying over a Drake thread, lol. Fck outta here.
The fact that to drake the only way NLU can be this popular is bots shows such a lack of self awareness. Kinda sad. When he eventually does another 2019 rap radar type interview and reflects on this, will he still be talking about how bots are what did it?
That one song from that one guy corn
Drake really turned into that maximum corny ass nigga everyone thought he was with his sore loser ass
I can understand enjoying Drake in the sense that "this sociopath is entertaining"
But as a guy you connect to? Crazy
This also applies to Joe Budden
Y’all americans really hate the fact that a Canadian jewish kid been running the rap game for 10+ years. Im guessing you’re the ones calling him a culture vulture.
Because if you’re from europe (and White) and calling him that then lmao
The fact that to drake the only way NLU can be this popular is bots shows such a lack of self awareness. Kinda sad. When he eventually does another 2019 rap radar type interview and reflects on this, will he still be talking about how bots are what did it?
That one song from that one guy corn
I watched some of the old vids of Drake talking about Control (i thought he only did it once) and man he was so much saltier than i remember
It would be that x500
Look at this sissy whining just like that p**** Drake. Fck you crying a real one and got all my backing. You better get used to it it’s gonna be a long summer for you Drake groupies.
Sissy really crying over a Drake thread, lol. Fck outta here.
Y’all americans really hate the fact that a Canadian jewish kid been running the rap game for 10+ years. Im guessing you’re the ones calling him a culture vulture.
Because if you’re from europe (and White) and calling him that then lmao
Who itt is even talking about culture vulture allegations or whiteness. He left a salty message on That seems to be the topic of convo
Look at this sissy whining just like that p**** Drake. Fck you crying a real one and got all my backing. You better get used to it it’s gonna be a long summer for you Drake groupies.
Sissy really crying over a Drake thread, lol. Fck outta here.
Yeah ya trying too hard here big pimp
Look at this sissy whining just like that p**** kendrick. Fck you crying about...zack a real one and got all my backing. You better get used to it it’s gonna be a long summer for you kendrick groupies.
Sissy really crying over a kendrick thread, lol. Fck outta here.
Look at this sissy whining just like that p**** Drake. Fck you crying a real one and got all my backing. You better get used to it it’s gonna be a long summer for you Drake groupies.
Sissy really crying over a Drake thread, lol. Fck outta here.
Yeah he got all your backing alright mf backing right up on his shmeat tell him clean it off before u glaze it more
Who itt is even talking about culture vulture allegations or whiteness. He left a salty message on That seems to be the topic of convo
A few posts up
A few posts up
One message that no one replied to. Shoulda quoted them if you wanted to talk to them
One message that no one replied to. Shoulda quoted them if you wanted to talk to them
My point still stands
I watched some of the old vids of Drake talking about Control (i thought he only did it once) and man he was so much saltier than i remember
It would be that x500
And this time, everybody knows how the verse starts lol
I think Kendrick is insecure about his p**** size after drakes third leg reveal he fully crashed out and went pedo accusations on jazz beats mode to compensate cause ofcourse Whitney is a huge Drake fan and now a huge fan of drakes huge meat too it called his tegrity as a man into question so he had to take out the big 3 little does he know Jermaine is packing an absolute bratwurst of a monster between his wiry basketball calves that rivals and even surpasses the 6ix gods serpentine cylinder
Horrible look for Drake. This is the rapper who claimed to be “calculated”?🤣
He hasn’t been calculated for almost a long time now. Literally the opposite… this nigga don’t think anymore and just goes off emotion.
Name one criticism you have of Drake
I asked him that before and of course he also left you on read LMFAO
I think Kendrick is insecure about his p**** size after drakes third leg reveal he fully crashed out and went pedo accusations on jazz beats mode to compensate cause ofcourse Whitney is a huge Drake fan and now a huge fan of drakes huge meat too it called his tegrity as a man into question so he had to take out the big 3 little does he know Jermaine is packing an absolute bratwurst of a monster between his wiry basketball calves that rivals and even surpasses the 6ix gods serpentine cylinder
Insane pasta
Y’all americans really hate the fact that a Canadian jewish kid been running the rap game for 10+ years. Im guessing you’re the ones calling him a culture vulture.
Because if you’re from europe (and White) and calling him that then lmao
It’s white boys and corny niggas that are pumping these thoughtless narratives. They’ve never left the bed bought and paid for by their moms.
The world knows what’s up. I’ve decided to not engage with these dude on here as much.