  • Grammy deadline is apparently the 31st and I have a feeling this time around based off the RR interview he wants that certified classic and another Grammy album. Might be getting this sooner than expected

  • Aug 17, 2020

  • Aug 17, 2020
    3 replies

    Would rather Drake submit for 2021 tbh, more chance of it being a normal GRAMMY event where we can see him attend and potentially accept his awards and perform by then

  • Aug 17, 2020
    2 replies

    Doesn’t care about the Grammy’s

    Plus Drake would never get a Grammy for anything outside of Song the year ever again.

    Y’all be forgetting that labels do the voting and work together to help each other out in categories in different years.

    Industry wants Drake out the way...

  • Aug 17, 2020

    I hope so. F*** the Grammys I just want to hear this album

  • Aug 17, 2020

    def coming after the deadline

  • Aug 17, 2020
    2 replies

    Drake never performing at no Grammy’s... straight delusional nonsense.... like y’all ain’t see him s*** on them in multiple occasions.

  • Aug 17, 2020

    Hmmm idk deadline too close I see Drake letting the single breathe longer than that

    BUT the impatient fan in me wouldnt mind CLB dropping next week

  • Aug 17, 2020

    Grammys never giving drake another award ever again

  • Aug 17, 2020

    Aubrey I could give two f***s bout where the Grammy's go Graham.

  • Aug 17, 2020
    2 replies

    This won’t happen like homies saying in the tweets but imagine Sean, Drake, Ye and Cole all drop the the same day

  • CLB YoungJAhhhh

    This won’t happen like homies saying in the tweets but imagine Sean, Drake, Ye and Cole all drop the the same day

    Sean potentially dropping this Friday. Thass my guess at least

  • Aug 17, 2020

    I get the speculation here but Drake has been super adamant that he doesn't fw the Grammys

  • Aug 17, 2020
    1 reply

    This is coming in September - I really think he's going to drop it on the 7 year ani of NWTS.

    I wouldn't be surprised if he drops another single which would drive hype EVEN more for the album if it receives the same reception as LNCL

  • F*** the Grammys. Every year we talk about how trash they are. And every year we keep running back for their validation.

  • Aug 17, 2020
    The 7 Day Theory

    Drake never performing at no Grammy’s... straight delusional nonsense.... like y’all ain’t see him s*** on them in multiple occasions.

    Why he got the awards on his trophy room then?

    He s***s on them because they not giving him s***

  • The 7 Day Theory

    Drake never performing at no Grammy’s... straight delusional nonsense.... like y’all ain’t see him s*** on them in multiple occasions.

    Nigga shat on the Grammys AT the Grammys

  • Aug 17, 2020

    The Grammys? You mean the Wozzles?

  • Aug 17, 2020
    1 reply
    The 7 Day Theory

    Doesn’t care about the Grammy’s

    Plus Drake would never get a Grammy for anything outside of Song the year ever again.

    Y’all be forgetting that labels do the voting and work together to help each other out in categories in different years.

    Industry wants Drake out the way...


    indie drake going to be seen as a pivotal moment in the future.

    does the biggest musician in the music industry need a label to survive? will Drake sink or swim?

  • Aug 17, 2020

    Would rather Drake submit for 2021 tbh, more chance of it being a normal GRAMMY event where we can see him attend and potentially accept his awards and perform by then

    They ain’t giving him a Grammy when their critique darling artists are dropping lol

    They really gave Kings Dead a Grammy over sicko mode.

  • tomorrow volverse


    indie drake going to be seen as a pivotal moment in the future.

    does the biggest musician in the music industry need a label to survive? will Drake sink or swim?

    Chance got one... but I don’t know if that was the industry just being preemptive for future controversies and be able to say look we did it in the past for independent non label associated artists.

  • Lmao. drake don't care bout no Grammy. missing the deadline just means submitting it for the next year anyways

  • He isn't winning s*** anyways.

  • Aug 17, 2020
    1 reply

    More fuel to the 28th fire.

  • Aug 17, 2020
    2 replies

    More fuel to the 28th fire.

    As much as I want this to happen, the last thing I want is for him to feel rushed to put this out