Bro think anyone’s worried about him. Last we checked, he still hasn’t “turned up” in Push’s direction and it’s been 6 years
I always admire how Drake can reach new levels of corn
It’s an art really
Tbh lol
Bro think anyone’s worried about him. Last we checked, he still hasn’t “turned up” in Push’s direction and it’s been 6 years
ya drake a fake lmfao
Bro think anyone’s worried about him. Last we checked, he still hasn’t “turned up” in Push’s direction and it’s been 6 years
It’s really funny because adidon is literally a whole diss about skeletons in drakes closet lmao
Turn the dix upside down its a spine now (workshopping material plz be patient)
Very topical I like it!
It’s really funny because adidon is literally a whole diss about skeletons in drakes closet lmao
he’s going to burn in hell
It’s surreal this guy has been at the top of the world for a solid 12 years and still let’s stuff like this get to him to where he writes cringey s*** like this
Bro go f*** a supermodel or buy a company lol. These guys don’t have advisors that can just tell them when something lame?