Sorta sad Drake is getting face tats idk I just hope he doesn't get a really noticeable one or something I just feel like it affects his imagine and stature in the game by doing that idk
what does it say i can't even see it
I didn’t see it at the raptors game. Was this a fake?
Sorta sad Drake is getting face tats idk I just hope he doesn't get a really noticeable one or something I just feel like it affects his imagine and stature in the game by doing that idk
Sorta sad Drake is getting face tats idk I just hope he doesn't get a really noticeable one or something I just feel like it affects his imagine and stature in the game by doing that idk
KanYe turned full Nazi and his position in the game still the same. I'm sure Drake will be fine with a few face tatts
KanYe turned full Nazi and his position in the game still the same. I'm sure Drake will be fine with a few face tatts
Ain't gon look good when he gets older but not our problem lol is what it is
Still can't read it.
Wick man??
Still can't read it.
Wick man??
"miskeen" (originating from Arabic) is used in the city to describe someone as a innocent civilian, not involved in any crime/hood politics
hes basically making an ironic/"reverse-psychology" joke
equivalent of tattooing "i'm just a civilian, nothing to see here guys" on ur face
in other contexts, it can also be used to call someone poor/pathetic/in need of help or charity
either way the joke is the irony
This Nigga wants to be gangster so bad… and it’s crazy how subtlety he was doing it thru out the years. 🙄 I genuinely think he trying to be something so bad he’s not.
Then again it’s his life so whatever
This Nigga wants to be gangster so bad… and it’s crazy how subtlety he was doing it thru out the years. 🙄 I genuinely think he trying to be something so bad he’s not.
Then again it’s his life so whatever
Stop crying.
This Nigga wants to be gangster so bad… and it’s crazy how subtlety he was doing it thru out the years. 🙄 I genuinely think he trying to be something so bad he’s not.
Then again it’s his life so whatever
Fr he needs to be careful but it is what it is, it's his life.
Stop crying.
Not crying Broski, I think speak for a good amount of us when I say it sucks ur favorite artist is taking a poop on himself