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  • americana


    Whitney bars !

    she gon ignore these posts btw smh

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    Also Kendrick making a song with a Teezo touchdown reference in 2021 okayyyyy

    I bet you probably think Meet the Grahams was made 3 minutes after Family Matters dropped

    Do you know that such a thing as editing lyrics to already-made songs exists? Do you know how many artists have songs from 3-5 years ago that end up on recently-released albums and all they did was make a few alterations before finally dropping them?

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    Well well well looks like the rape joke defender logged on

    Of course you think Kendrick sending a direct shot to Andrew and Andrew responding back to him equates to Conan calling Drake, a man he does not know, a pedophile on live TV.

  • thegreatdivine

    I bet you probably think Meet the Grahams was made 3 minutes after Family Matters dropped

    Do you know that such a thing as editing lyrics to already-made songs exists? Do you know how many artists have songs from 3-5 years ago that end up on recently-released albums and all they did was make a few alterations before finally dropping them?

    proof NLU is 4 years old?


    Even with an objective lens is this not crazy to yall

    Multiple people in that crowd have numerous allegations. We have literal documented evidence of other musicians/actors in the entertainment industry dating, assault and abusing underage women

    but the rapper who has NEVER had anyone come out and say “drake had s***with me when I was underage” is now the face of pedophilia in Hollywood

    And u want me to be mad he’s suing? lol

    It’s just so hilarious to read things like this because if the shoe was on the other foot and Family Matters was a smash hit with Kendrick becoming the face of domestic abusers and suing, none of this talk would be present at all.

  • thegreatdivine

    I bet you probably think Meet the Grahams was made 3 minutes after Family Matters dropped

    Do you know that such a thing as editing lyrics to already-made songs exists? Do you know how many artists have songs from 3-5 years ago that end up on recently-released albums and all they did was make a few alterations before finally dropping them?

    Womp womp

  • thegreatdivine

    Of course you think Kendrick sending a direct shot to Andrew and Andrew responding back to him equates to Conan calling Drake, a man he does not know, a pedophile on live TV.

    Womp womp

  • thegreatdivine

    Of course you think Kendrick sending a direct shot to Andrew and Andrew responding back to him equates to Conan calling Drake, a man he does not know, a pedophile on live TV.

    Conan wasn't calling Drake a pedophile btw.

    I know you know how to read sis.

  • people need to be honest when they making they points and not just reading off a script my niggg.

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    Whitney bars !

    Drake has used that same Whitney/Bodyguard line in like 3 other songs. I guess he was referring to Whitney, Kendrick's former romantic partner in those instances as well?

  • Keep in mind that when Family Matters dropped every single Drake stan on here uncritically accepted immediately that Kendrick was a wife beater with absolutely zero evidence (and some of them still do) until MTG/NLU dropped and they had to start crafting cope

  • thegreatdivine

    Drake has used that same Whitney/Bodyguard line in like 3 other songs. I guess he was referring to Whitney, Kendrick's former romantic partner in those instances as well?

    ooooooooh you taking this take

    aight we got nothing more to talk about shawty.

  • horrible decision to unblock shawty I be forgetting she one of the most dishonest people to have a discussion with.

    Shawty wants to be Sophia so bad.

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    The new cope is Kendrick made his songs 4 years ago now?

  • thegreatdivine

    Kissing someone on the cheek = making out with them?

    And Kendrick asked to keep it rap, meanwhile, he had a song calling Drake a pedophile in the tuck from 4 years ago? You really are a generational level of stupid.

    How is this pedophile sympathizer not banned? @sab

  • insertcoolnamehere

    The chicken or the egg

    I've said many times on this forum that euphoria was where s*** was up

    Now what was said on Like That that gives Drake the green light to mention Kendrick's wife on Push Ups now?

    Again, Kendrick is on Like That threatening violence on Drake from no where lmao. What part of that is "keeping it a friendly fade?"? Push Ups is Drake shooting at 10 other people and making some jokes about Kendrick's height and f***ed up TDE deal. Kendrick drops euphoria and says he hates everything about Drake, mocks him being a father and basically wishes death on him but some of you still see that as "a friendly fade."

    Let's also ignore Kendrick hinting to Drake being a pedophile on 6:16 in LA. Y'all really love to rewrite history.

  • OwO

    The new cope is Kendrick made his songs 4 years ago now?

    reading a script instead of being a human being for like 2 minutes mane what a heartbreaking life to live being on kneepad duty for hours at a time 💔💔💔

  • thekid187

    They probably think that Rocky would have been in his right to shoot his ASAP weed carrier, after the weed carrier told him " go ahead and pull the trigger" after he saw Rocky pulling his gun.

    Sounds like you’re upset that he didn’t get locked up

  • thuggerthugger1

    It’s just so hilarious to read things like this because if the shoe was on the other foot and Family Matters was a smash hit with Kendrick becoming the face of domestic abusers and suing, none of this talk would be present at all.

    You don't know that and being called a pedophile is the worst thing you could try to put on someone's jacket. Even worse because Drake isn't a pedophile. But now, Kendrick has diluted the significance of that word by making it a punchline that people now feel comfortable joking about.

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    parents raising they kids thinking they can be something greater just to end up being b**** ass niggas that stan across multiple forums over a single celebrity that doesn't know them, care about them, wouldnt even pour a bottle of pellegrino water on them if they was literally on fire 💔

    make your parents prouder people. 💔

  • thegreatdivine

    Kissing someone on the cheek = making out with them?

    And Kendrick asked to keep it rap, meanwhile, he had a song calling Drake a pedophile in the tuck from 4 years ago? You really are a generational level of stupid.

    what are your thoughts on Drake celebrating that the woman he brought on stage wasn’t 17 for the first time the entire tour?

  • insertcoolnamehere

    parents raising they kids thinking they can be something greater just to end up being b**** ass niggas that stan across multiple forums over a single celebrity that doesn't know them, care about them, wouldnt even pour a bottle of pellegrino water on them if they was literally on fire 💔

    make your parents prouder people. 💔

    Says the idiot in here posting just as many times as the people this post is supposed to be about. Have some self awareness

  • ImAUsernameLike

    what are your thoughts on Drake celebrating that the woman he brought on stage wasn’t 17 for the first time the entire tour?

    Try using better bait. This is lazy.

  • Name another time he publicly groped a minor. I’ll wait.

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    "threatening violence for no reason"

    I be forgetting jump offs like @thegreatdivine never started listening to hip hop before 2012 so shawty don't know what diss raps sound like, all is forgiven shawty

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