S***ted on all of them with one simple but powerful speech. Too many fake people in this world
37 but showing up as a 7 yr old
Man built it up and cutoff like he acting a scene in Degrassi we get it main character. He said this in 2021
Speech so powerful people don’t even wanna listen to it
Also I wonder if maybe Drake is the problem if none of his “friends” like him anymore hmmmm
It’s common sense that when you at the top they gone hate the most lol
I know this guy is still desperate to get poppin on twitter despite his failed attempts during the beef as no one really cares about him but his tweet is simply too stupid.
This is not about a beef for yall entertainment, it's about people pretending to be your friend just so they can earn money. Drake did not need to revive Rick Ross dead career but he still did it. Same goes for many of the other people involved.
You only want to due some work and keep it transactional? Cool, no problem but then keep it at that. Grown men acting like b****es is crazy
Man seems like he is really hurt
He continues to make himself look goofier and goofier it’s wild. Nigga going through it
Drake really has no comeback in him. This motherfucker is not a champion, just a f***wad with too much praise/power. He didn't get his way, now he's crying, he still got some more falling off to do.
"Your body is absolutely tea" this mf has no game despite being a multimillionaire
You cannot do s*** to me I promise you that
-would never call kendrick a wife beater to his face
the gentlemen who were actually participants in this rap beef have lives outside of it, and the spectators should too